Kenya: The Idea of Arresting Citizens At Night Unacceptable - Raila

9 February 2023

Nairobi — Azimio la Umoja One Kenya leader Raila Odinga has expressed his frustration over the move by security agencies to arrest citizens at night.

Speaking Wednesday from ex-Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi's home, where security agencies had pitched camp with an intention to apprehend the former security boss, Odinga termed the move unacceptable.

He stated that if Matiang'i has committed a crime that warrants his arrest, the charges against him should be made public and known to him to allow him to present himself to security for interrogation and recording of statement.

"This idea of arresting senior citizens at this hour of the night is something that is completely repugnant to civilization and completely unacceptable in our society," Odinga said.

The former Prime Minister vowed to stand behind Matiangi and any other Kenyan facing injustice to ensure that the law of this country is respected.

He added that Matiang'i being a former Interior CS, civility demands that the Government of the day accords him due process and his rights.

"We will not allow the dark days of repression to return. We shall stand with him to the end," he said.

He promised not to leave Matiangi's home tonight until the matter is resolved.

"He can count on our support and solidarity as Azimio.Haramu haitalala! Kenya ni kubwa kushinda mtu yeyote mmoja!" he said.

He urged Kenyans to resist what he termed the "Imposition of the illegal regime on them."

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