Uganda: Top Commander Killed, Two Others Arrested As Security Raid Suspected ADF Cell in Mityana

10 February 2023

Security has raided a suspect Allied Democratic Forces terror cell in Mityana in which a man believed to be the commander of the cell was killed and two others arrested.

Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said the raid was done on Thuesday by teams from the Crime Intelligence Directorate.

" Our Crime Intelligence task team conducted a raid on an ADF terror cell, in Katakala village in Mityana District, where it's leader Sulaiman Bisaso Segawa, was killed during the counter terrorissm operation. Two other ADF terrorists, who included a Medic and female were arrested after they surrendered.," Enanga said in a brief statement.

He said the deceased was on the security wanted list for masterminding the attacks on various police stations, murders and violence on police officers and civilians.

Enanga said operations against ADF cells in the country will continue.

Ugandan security has since November 2021 launched operations targeting ADF sleeper cells in various parts of the country.

The operations were triggered by double blasts targeting the Central Police Station and Parliamentary Avenue in Kampala in which over 10 people including police officers were killed while others were left injured.

The operations led to the arrest of several suspects in various parts of the country.

Last year, there were several attacks on police stations by groups of unknown people said to be ADF agents.

These would kill police officers and rob their guns.

However, operations led by the Crime Intelligence Directorate busted the group behind the attacks and at least five people arrested as security continued with operations targeting ADF sleeper cells in the country.

Several other people suspected to be part of the group have also been killed in action by security.

In December 2021, the UPDF together with FARDC, the DRC army started a joint operation code named "Shuja" targeting ADF camps in Eastern Congo.

Several of them were bombs using long range artillery and jets as both armies try to wipe away the group.

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