Kenya: Govt Calls for Private Sector Support in Drive to Boost Rice Production

10 February 2023

Kisumu — The private sector has been called upon to partner with the national government to support its goal of rice self-sufficiency in the country.

Principal Secretary in the State Department of Irrigation Gitonga Mugambi says the government is keen to tap partnerships in grains handling and processing, farm services outsourcing, and increased drying facilities to increase rice production.

Speaking when he toured Ahero Irrigation Scheme, the PS says the county government of Kisumu and the national government have established a rice milling machine in the area which will be launched soon.

"This mill is a plus to our farmers, its capacity right now is 2.5 tonnes per hour. In the near future it will be expanded," he said.

Mugambi says farmers will now not have to sell their paddy but have them milled around to be able to benefit from any value addition.

He says the private sector must now step in as the government plans to increase the production area with the upcoming Koru Soin Dam.

"The government is ready to facilitate the improvement of infrastructure in the area to enable the private sector to plug in and do other things in this sector," he said.

The PS says there is need for the private sector to step in and drive the production, milling and marketing of rice.

He says the entry of the private sector into the field has not been steady but is optimistic that in a few years to come it will be vibrant.

Gitonga further commented on the birds that have been ravaging rice fields in the recent months.

"Birds are trying to survive, the question is that they are surviving on someone's labour and sweat," he said.

He noted that there must be a striking ground between the farmers and the environmental conservationists, in a bid not to whip out all the birds through aerial spray.

The PS is confident that an equilibrium will be found to deal with the birds' menace and cushion farmers from losses.

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