Malawi: Hired State Lawyers On Chizuma Interdiction Case Withdraw Appeal

12 February 2023

Lawyers hired by the state to prosecute Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in the interdiction case say they have withdrawn the appeal they made at the Supreme Court.

Counsel George Kadzipatike said they will not proceed with the application following the decision by Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to discontinue the case.

"What DPP has done has completely resolved the issues that the MLS brought in the High Court.

"The interdiction of the ACB Director was based on the criminal proceedings against her.

"Now that the criminal proceedings have been discontinued, the basis for the interdiction has fallen away.

"We definitely won't proceed with our application in the Supreme Court of Appeal tomorrow," Kadzipatike said.

According to Kadzipatike, it is their hope that the MLS will also withdraw their matter in the High Court against their clients who are SPC Colleen Zamba, Senior State Prosecutor Levison Mangani and Chief Resident Magistrate Court Lilongwe.

But Patrick Mpaka, President for Malawi Law Society has said: "MLS will process the developments and generate a suitable legal framework with which to manage the court proceedings, according to the applicable legal standards."

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