Zimbabwe: Chamisa Drowns Deeper Into Political Oblivion

13 February 2023

As the CCC party faces implosion due to ideological bankruptcy and donor fatigue, the writing is on the wall for Chamisa, it is time to retire!

The unabated truth is - Chamisa is racing against the wind, trying to prove and appeal to the electorate of his worthy, instead of nobly mopping up what is left of his political fantasy before it is too late.

Sadly, desperation has kicked in to an extent of him sponsoring media outlets to constantly portray his party as a violence victim.

But will sympathy and playing victim bring the electorate to the table, or it actually reduces the party to a cry-baby with nothing to offer the electorate?

If CCC is not trending over Sikhala's court case, then it is the Nyatsime or Budiriro crew, if not then someone somewhere will be playing violence victim at the hands of the police, Zanu PF youths - you name it.

Does this honestly warranty the electorate to vote for CCC over Zanu PF?

In its mastered plan to play victim at any given opportunity, and use it to lure the electorate, Chamisa's lieutenants continue to rock social media with begging bowls over this or that fundraising activity.

If it is not a Go-Fund Me initiative over Chamisa's bullet-proof car, then it is a "Chamisa Defend the People's Vote Fund" purportedly aimed at "protecting the vote".

If not that, then it is a Youth For Change Fund, designed yet again for the same purpose.

If it is not the launch of Mugwazo intended for rural mobilisation, then again it is another electorate mobilisation programme dubbed Register, Elect and Protect (REAP), yet again for the same purpose.

Pane kwatiri kuenda here (what is exactly happening?)

Chamisa's dream remains a mirage as all seem to be gathering momentum without his "input."

Renowned CCC loyalists such as Hopewell Chin'ono have recently been on overdrive criticising the opposition for being passive and seemingly absent.

It was the same with Team Pachedu, one pressure group which always stood by the opposition, against all weather, but has since questioned, "Is the opposition even listening?"

Honestly, what else surpasses this level of irrelevance? The political chancer needs to take a hint now more than ever. Zimbabwe's political landscape has much more to offer than him - a mere funeral-cum-Twitter president.

Clearly life will always go on, with or without Chamisa!

Over the months, the CCC has had nothing to offer, save for Fadzayi Mahere's unending press statements to back up Chamisa - whose rallies, funerals and court appearances are all they have to offer and nothing worthy really.

Having lost ownership of the Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House, formerly Harvest House, the party no longer has a proper physical structure to call their own.

On top of that, Chamisa's party lost access to funding under the Political Parties Financing Act due to its naivety of the laws of the land.

At the same time, POLAD totally wrote him off, and recent defections likewise are sinking the party all the more.

History will judge Chamisa harshly as a failed politician, after being handed over the party in a silver platter by the late Morgan Tsvangirayi.

Currently, the CCC is in absolute chaos of its own making with potential legislators already complaining over imposition of candidates by Chamisa, thanks be to his structure-less approach to his party.

Which party has ever operated without structures, really?

The leaders in the opposition lack maturity, leadership skills, courage, abilities, and capabilities; hence there is no opposition to talk about at all.

The CCC ship is inevitably sinking with the little left on board blissfully ignorant.

More than ever, the party needs self-introspection and a paradigm shift in the ways it conducts business, if at all it seeks to remain relevant in the Zimbabwean political arena.

CCC needs to locate the genesis of its problems which seem to stem from non-other than their often referred to as a useless leader, Chamisa.

That way, it could be the starting point back to relevance again.

Hopefully, out of CCC political adventurism, the electorate will realise that everything being done has nothing to do with democracy drive, as the party would want them to believe.

Instead, we have a confused lot hoping to lead the crowd to nowhere.

Where is Tendai Biti or Professor Welshman Ncube amid this political circus, one wonders.

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