Zimbabwe: Palestine Slams Illegal Zimbabwe Sanctions, Western Backed Israeli Attacks

13 February 2023

The Palestinian ambassador to Zimbabwe Tamer Almassri has slammed illegal sanctions against the nation underscoring that his country has also suffered the impact of Western imposed hardships.

Speaking at a Zimbabwe Palestine Solidarity Council organised (ZPSC) conference last Friday, Almassri castigated the imposition of sanctions against Zimbabwe.

"Our embassy and the leadership back home doesn't and will not ignore the solidarity with the leadership of Zimbabwe against illegal sanctions.

"We cannot forget our friends and as we repeat daily that these economic sanctions imposed against the people of Zimbabwe for twenty years are illegal and we consider this as Palestinians who suffer occupation of our land everyday as a kind of collective punishment," he said.

Almassri revealed that he is currently working with government, political parties and Civic Society Organisations in a development which necessitated the establishment of the ZPSC, a year and a half ago.

He vowed that even if the West would press ahead with the illegal sanctions, nothing would change.

"We loudly raise our voice on every occasion as we call for the removal of sanctions. Even if you continue with your sanctions for another 20 years nothing will change. So, we suggest cooperation instead of one-sided actions like sanctions. I am sure that our Zimbabwean counterparts are ready for any kind of cooperation," he said.

The calls come at a time when Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been rated one of the world's most enduring conflicts, beginning in the mid-20th century.

Many have lost their lives and thousands injured since the start of the war with Palestine currently enduring what has so far been described as one of the deadliest episodes of violence in its territories.

A 2022 report by Amnesty International shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, to benefit Jewish Israelis which amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.

Meanwhile, the ZPSC called upon all governments to acknowledge the divisive nature of the Israeli state and to argue for its isolation until it is prepared to dismantle its apartheid infrastructure in favor of the full unconditional independence of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital among other demands.

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