Zimbabwe: Results of Our Effective Policies, Projects Speak for Themselves - President

15 February 2023

Today being the inaugural Cabinet meeting for 2023, His Excellency the President started by setting the tone for the new calendar year. He advised Cabinet of the need to consolidate the gains scored by the Second Republic in 2022. He pointed out that the results speak for themselves as shown by the effective policies, programmes and projects which had been implemented. The honours is to finish this task strong.

Going forward, the President reminded Cabinet of the need to act collectively in completing outstanding projects from 2022 and those on the 2023 Cabinet calendar. He therefore noted that 2023 would be busier than the previous year. Economic stabilisation measures would continue to be enhanced. There is need to address economic enablers in particular electricity. He emphasised the need to complete old projects before embarking on new ones.


Cabinet received an update on the country's response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and a report on the procurement and roll-out of vaccines, as presented by the Acting Chairman of the Ministers' Committee on the National Covid-19 Response, the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development, Honourable Professor Amon Murwira.

The nation is being informed that a total of 551 new cases were recorded during the week, compared to the 759 recorded the previous week. No new deaths were recorded during the week under review. However, a total of 146 confirmed Covid-19 cases have been reported since the opening of schools for the first term in January 2023. During the week under review, there were thirty-one new admissions, compared to the forty recorded the previous week.

Regarding the national vaccination programme, Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that a total of 6 693 001 first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have so far been administered, while 5 011 932 people have received their second dose, and 1 427 670 their third dose. Provincial task force teams will continue strengthening implementation of all Covid-19 public health and social measures, with a focus on the vaccination programme. Members of the public who are not vaccinated are encouraged to take advantage of this blitz to get vaccinated.

In light of the foregoing, Cabinet resolved on the following strategies in order to ensure that the pandemic is kept under check:

1. That the January 2023 WHO guidelines be adopted as follows:

i. Maintaining momentum for Covid-19 vaccination to achieve 100 percent coverage of high-priority groups;

ii. Improving reporting of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance data;

iii. Increasing uptake, ensuring availability and access to Covid-19 vaccines;

iv. Continuing to work with communities and their leaders to effectively implement risk-based public health and social measures; and

v. Continuing to support research on Covid-19.

In addition, all Ministers and Members of Parliament are being urged to step up awareness and mobilisation programmes in their constituencies and provinces, and to support innovative incentives in-order to boost vaccination coverages. In particular, Harare Metropolitan Province should focus on vaccination in schools, since it has the lowest percentage (37 percent) of schools that have reached the 70 percent vaccination target for those fully vaccinated with 2 doses. The general population should also be encouraged to be vaccinated.

All citizens should remain vigilant and continue to protect themselves by :-

a) getting fully vaccinated;

b) washing hands with soap and running water;

c) sanitising hands frequently;

d) social distancing;

e) wearing face masks properly in public transport vehicles and during indoor gatherings.


Cabinet adopted the progress report on the implementation of Phase II of the Enhanced Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management Programme, which was presented by the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities, Honourable Daniel Garwe.

Cabinet is informing the nation that under regularisation of settlements, the exercise for the issuance of title deeds in Caledonia's Phases 1 to 3 is ongoing, and 3 600 beneficiaries have paid title processing fees. In Epworth, 738 beneficiaries have also been shortlisted for the issuance of title deeds.

With regards to families affected by floods, Cabinet resolved that suitable areas should be identified for their relocation. The Department of Social Welfare will continue to provide free meals at the approved sites. Cabinet has taken a decision to relocate the 59 families affected by floods in Budiriro to habitable areas. With some dwellings situated barely 5 metres from the river bank, the families are in violation of environmental protection statutes. The wetland reclamation and rehabilitation programme is being resuscitated and adequately funded in order that it also contributes to socio-economic development.

Under the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme 2, the nation is being informed that despite the numerous challenges that were encountered in 2022, a cumulative 169 kilometres of road length was constructed, reconstructed or rehabilitated, while 12 708,5 kilometres was pothole-patched and 922,4 kilometres gravelled or re-gravelled.

A total of 22 002,5 kilometres was graded, while 668 drainage structures were constructed, and 150,4 kilometres of road resealed or overlaid.

Regarding the Investigation and Prosecution of Land Barons, the nation is being informed that a total of 188 cases were handled by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in 2022. These included criminal abuse of office, fraud, and criminal trespassing.

A total of 58 arrests were made, and 77 cases were before the courts, while 68 were finalised, with 10 convictions. Cabinet directed that investigations be intensified in the new year in order to curtail the activities of land barons who violate the country's laws.

The nation is also being informed that investigations into the operations of foreigners in sectors reserved for locals are being intensified. Local and foreign businesses that are fuelling smuggling and parallel market activities and inconveniencing the public by rejecting the local currency as well as mobile payment platforms will be penalised.

With regard to the provision of workspaces for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), a whole-of-Government approach, which involves Government, local authorities, the private sector and development partners has been adopted. These are collaborating on renovating existing spaces and putting up new modern workspaces. Examples include:

- The Molus SMEs Mall in Mutare was constructed at a cost of US$800 000 and completed in November 2022;

- The Manhenga Co-operative in Bindura constructed two blocks which accommodate different enterprises;

- The Chiredzi District SMEs Chamber is constructing an SME Centre at a cost US$600 000;

- In Gweru, the Ministry of Women Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprises Development is working with Gweru City Council in the construction of 4 MSMEs factory shells in Mtapa suburb; and

- The Ministry is being supported by COMESA in constructing a traders' market in Chirundu, under the Small-Scale Cross Border Initiative. The Chirundu Traders' Market Workspace which is estimated to cost Euro 896 206 will accommodate 250 traders when complete.

Cabinet noted the progress and directed that the programme on the provision of workspaces be supported countrywide as it resonates well with the mantra of leaving no-one and no place behind.


Cabinet received and adopted the Kanyemba Border Post development framework, which was presented by the Minister of Local Government and Public Works, Honourable July Moyo.

The nation is being informed that Kanyemba Border Post in Mbire District of Mashonaland Central has been identified as one of the potential drivers of Vision 2030 in the province. A total of 1 600 hectares has been set aside for urban development, while some land has been set aside for communal and commercial irrigation schemes. The development of Kanyemba will be anchored on four pillars, namely: agriculture; tourism; international trade; and service industry.

Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works worked with stakeholders in the production of detailed layout designs after the deployment of new survey technology by the Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency (ZINGSA). The designs provide for animal corridors within both the irrigation schemes and urban areas to allow for the free passage of wildlife.

The Kanyemba Border Post Development plan is based on smart city and ecocity concepts and provides for institutional, commercial, administrative, hospitality, smart mobility, mainstream residential and recreational facilities as well as conservation areas and game corridors, among others.

Going forward, no new land allocations and developments will be allowed at Kanyemba Border Post, and an Implementation Agency will be constituted to assist Mbire Rural District Council in the implementation of the envisaged smart city. As the programme on smart cities is rolled out, more centres across the length and breadth of Zimbabwe will undergo similar transformation.


Cabinet considered and approved the Tugwi-Mukosi Combination Master Plan as presented by the Minister of Local Government and Public Works, Honourable July Moyo.

The nation is being informed that the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works commissioned a consortium of Universities to prepare the Tugwi-Mukosi Combination Master Plan. The Master Plan has since been presented to the Tugwi-Mukosi Combination Master Plan Authority.

Noting that the Tugwi-Mukosi Dam and its environs present excellent opportunities for accelerated agricultural and irrigation development, Cabinet agreed that three new irrigation schemes measuring 3 852 hectares will be established, with the Banga Irrigation Scheme being expanded from 64 hectares to 195 hectares. Tugwi-Mukosi Dam alone has the potential to irrigate about 40 000 hectares of land in the country's lowveld.

An implementation agency will soon be established to coordinate development across socio-economic sectors. Amenities such as schools, health centres, business nodes, heritage sites, museums, hotels, lodges, training institutes will be developed over an area spanning two rural district councils and extending upstream and downstream of the Tugwi-Mukosi Dam. Other developments will incorporate harbours, holiday homes, golf courses, nature and game viewing. The proximity of Tugwi-Mukosi to the Great Zimbabwe Monuments and the Kruger-Gonarezhou-Gazaland micro-region will create a regional tourism belt that will increase Zimbabwe's opportunities in tourism and related downstream industries. A Recreation Park and Conservation areas will be developed,

while a fish processing plant will be established near Tugwi-Mukosi. There will be a harbour and light house Control Tower, while a power generation plant on the dam will provide communities and businesses with clean energy and drive irrigation projects in support of household and national food security. The nation is further being informed that Government will provide the required support for all families requiring relocation as the multi-faceted development projects are rolled out.


Cabinet considered and approved the Forbes Border Post Modernisation Project, which was presented by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, Honourable Felix Mhona.

The nation will recall that having noted inefficiencies at the country's border posts as a result of inadequate infrastructure, lack of automation and inadequate staffing, Cabinet resolved to modernize the ports of entry, beginning with Beitbridge. Currently, expressions of Interest have been received from individuals and consortia willing to partner Government on the upgrading and modernization of Forbes Border Post.

Cabinet wishes to further advise that it resolved to enter into a partnership with Forbes Border Consortium on the Design, Build, Operate and Transfer project for a modernised Forbes Border Post, on account of the consortium's proven track record. Two additional projects, namely Christmas Pass bypass Road and construction of a Dry Port, will be implemented concurrently with the Border Post project, upon approval by Cabinet.

Furthermore, Cabinet approved the proposed partnership between the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and River Bridge Consortium on the Design, Build, Operate and Transfer of a new bridge at Beitbridge Border Post. The construction of the new bridge will improve the flow of traffic at the border post as well as facilitate the implementation of separation of traffic at the point of crossing, in line with international best practice.


Cabinet considered and adopted the National Youth Day Celebrations Programme, as presented by the Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, Honourable Dr Kirsty Coventry.

The nation is being reminded that the Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day is celebrated every year on 21st February to recognise youth, reflect on their contributions to socio-economic development and encourage them to adopt sound leadership values by emulating the ethos espoused by our liberators since independence.

Cabinet advises that youths in Zimbabwe account for 35 percent of the population and remain the most active asset to the Nation and if harnessed correctly, stand to contribute immensely to the economic development of the country. The Youth Day has been identified as an opportune event that Government should invest in to celebrate youth and together with the young people to take stock of programmes and initiatives to inculcate values that the said fore-bearers display for national development. Launching celebrations and decentralising National Youth Day will enable youth and Government to engage on community specific change programmes, prepare young people for ownership, accountability, responsibility and sustainability of initiatives. It should be highlighted that the proposed awards for youths excelling in various sectors will encourage and improve the recognition of the work of the youth hence attracting more youths to serve their communities positively.

The nation is advised that to launch the National Youth Celebrations, the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation in collaboration with other Government Ministries will host a National Youth Indaba on drug and substance abuse in Lupane. The Indaba, which will be graced by His Excellency the President, will bring together about 5 000 youths from all provinces of the country. The youths will engage the Executive on drug and substance abuse, while seeking to evaluate progress on commitment Government has made to mitigate drug and substance abuse in their provinces. The Programme will start at 0800 hours and end at 1400 hours. Each Province is expected to host a Youth Indaba that will bring together approximately 500 youths and delegates. The Indaba will be used to engage local community leaders, business and development partners to reflect on the extent of drug and substance abuse in their communities, map partners carrying out mitigation measures against drug and substance abuse, engage local authorities and business sector on opportunities locally available for the economic participation of youth.

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