Malawi: High Court Former Spokesperson Gets 30 Months Ihl for Corruption

16 February 2023

The High Court in Blantyre has sentenced former Judiciary spokesperson Mlenga Mvula to 30 months imprisonment with hard labour.

He will serve the sentence for corruptly soliciting about K10.7 million from United Methodist Church between 2016 and 2017.

High Court Judge Sylvester Kalembera gave the sentence this morning but has however, given a suspended sentence of two years to Mvula's accomplice Reverend Daniel Mhone.

On 17th July 2017, the Anti-Corruption Bureau received a complaint alleging that in 2016 and 2017, Mvula, corruptly solicited sums of money and other favours from the United Methodist Church to which he is a member, in the names of High Court Judges and the Attorney General's office.

The Anti- Corruption Bureau conducted investigation into the matter which established that Mvula had on several occasions demanded various sums of money amounting to K10, 700,000.00 from the United Methodist Church through Reverend Daniel Mhone, the Executive Church Member and Conference Superintendent.

This money was purportedly meant for the Attorney General's office, judges, Judiciary and Mlenga for influencing the outcome of a court case involving Reverend Jawati and the United Methodist Church.

On 1st September, 2017, the Anti-Corruption Bureau arrested Mvula and Reverend Mhone.

Mlenga Mvula was charged with obtaining by false pretences, contrary to Section 319 of the Penal Code and misuse of public office contrary to Section 25B (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act.

Reverend Mhone was charged with corrupt practices with a public officer contrary to Section 24 (2) of the Corrupt Practices Act.

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