Uganda: Church of Uganda Did Well to Tell Off Canterbury Over Same Sex Marriages, Says Museveni

16 February 2023

President Museveni has praised the Ugandan Anglican church for severing ties with Canterbury, the seat of the Anglican Church worldwide after it blessed same sex marriages.

"I want to congratulate Ugandan believers for rejecting homosexuality. Those Europeans don't listen but it is good you said not. We have been telling them that the thing of homosexuality is not something you should normalize and celebrate," Museveni said.

The president was on Thursday speaking during the celebrations to mark the Janan Luwum day, in Kitgum, northern Uganda.

Last week, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, Dr.Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu said the working relationship with the Church of England had been destroyed irreparably after the latter allowed priests to bless same sex marriages.

"God's Word has said that the only context for sexual relationships is in the context of a marriage of one man and one woman. This is a sin. Same sex relationship is a sin. The Church of England has sinned,"Dr.Kaziimba said.

"The Church of England insists it is not changing its doctrine of marriage but, in practice, they are doing precisely that. If it looks like a wedding and sounds like a wedding, it is a wedding. The Church of England has departed from Anglican faith and are now false teachers. We fear Jesus' words for them, "If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place." (Rev 2.5b) It's that serious."

The Inter Religious Council of Uganda on Wednesday preached against the growing agenda for homosexuality in the country.

Speaking on Thursday, President Museveni applauded the religious leaders for coming out strong against homosexuality that he said in not African.

" It is true there were some homosexuals before Europeans came here. I had heard of some few stories but it was clear this was deviation from normal. They(Europeans) don't listen and want to turn abnormal into normal and force it onto others. It is good you took a principle of stand and told Canterbury I you want to go homosexual go," Museveni said.

"For us we say God is there and mighty .We are not going to follow people who are lost."

You are sinners! Church of Uganda breaks ties with Canterbury over same sex marriages

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