Tanzania: Tz Foreign Policy - Samia Guarantees Upholding

Samia Suluhu Hassan

President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan has emphasised her government's stance in upholding the foundation of foreign policy which was ushered in by the founding leaders of the country and successive governments.

Dr Samia took the stance over the weekend during her address at the 36th ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly which ended on Sunday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the main focus on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

President Samia is among the African leaders who attended the annual meeting of the AU which started on Saturday and ended on Sunday.

Dr Samia also used the occasion to appeal to fellow African leaders to support Tanzania as the country prepares to host the Alliance for Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) slated to take place between September 4 and 8, this year.

The AGRF, Africa's Food Systems Forum, is the premier platform for advancing the agriculture and food systems agenda on the continent from food security to agri-food investments.

The annual Summit was convened for leaders, policymakers, scientists, heads of governments and private institutions, farmers, and the youth in the agriculture and food systems landscape to discuss and agree on practical actions and solutions that drive Africa's food security and better livelihoods for all.

The 2023 Summit aspires to position Africa as the place for innovation, investments, and to advance a stronger, more diverse, and resilient food system.

The Summit will look to energise and spotlight continental progress beyond the call for aid. The Summit will showcase Africa's solutions to Africa's food systems transformation while spotlighting leadership, accountability, inclusion and investment opportunities in Africa in general and in Tanzania in particular.

In her brief address at the AU Summit, Dr Samia as well extended her appreciation to the African leaders for endorsing a declaration to recognise Kiswahili as among the official languages of the AU.

Since she assumed power in March, 2021, President Samia has pushed for Tanzania to embark on economic diplomacy for improved welfare of its people.

Speaking during her maiden address to the parliament on April 12th , 2021, President Samia said the sixth phase government will continue to cement relations with other nations and international organisations.

"As such, we will strengthen our relations with other countries as well as regional and international organisations. In achieving that objective, we will improve performance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation in collaboration with our embassies abroad."

Dr Samia noted then that to ensure improved efficiency in economic diplomacy, the government will ensure it employs highly competent officials and make best economic use of its buildings and plots in foreign countries.

"For the sake of enabling implementation of economic diplomacy, the government will open new embassies and consular offices as well as investment centres in strategic cities in order to promote tourism attractions.

"The diplomatic missions and investment centres will also be responsible for attracting investments and exploring new markets for our products," Dr Samia told legislators during her speech.

President Samia said the government will conduct a professional assessment to identify and understand the potential of every diplomatic mission in attracting investments and tourists.

"In addition to that, the government of Tanzania will continue to participate effectively in all international meetings as well as peace keeping missions across the world," she explained.

Dr Samia also told lawmakers during her maiden speech that the government is also considering to review the foreign policy of 2000 to be at par with current requirements in the world.

According to the Third National Five-Year Development plan 2021/22 - 2025/26, the government of Tanzania plans to implement foreign policy in line with domestic needs and priorities with the view of promoting peace, stability and prosperity.

The regional and international cooperation are aimed at providing opportunities for the resolution of economic and political disagreements, and for attracting investment.

Therefore, implementation of the plan will see Tanzania continue to strengthen its foreign policy through adoption and implementation of approved regional and international development frameworks.

The key interventions of the plan include developing and implementing a strategic framework for political and economic diplomacy as well as strengthening and expanding cooperation and participation in regional and international development.

The other key intervention highlighted in the plan includes construction and rehabilitation of Tanzania's embassies' buildings abroad.

Meanwhile, speaking during the 36th AU Summit, the Chairperson of the AU Commission (AUC), Moussa Faki Mahamat, paid tribute to President Macky Sall of Senegal, for his numerous achievements during his mandate as Chair of the Union.

He stated that the 36th AU Summit is taking place at a time when the international context is marked by worrying uncertainties, fuelled by geopolitical conflicts, fragmented economic governance, with unforeseeable consequences for Africa.

The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Mr Antonio Guterres, stated that the AU is taking inspiring steps to help realise the enormous potential of "this great continent... . Africa is poised for progress" , he said, highlighting Agenda 2063, the Decade of Women's Financial and Economic Inclusion, the continent's abundance of natural resources, and its greatest advantage of all -- its people, representing a diverse range of cultures and languages.

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