Rwanda: Kagame Appoints New Police Chief

President Paul Kagame of Rwanda addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-seventh session, September 21, 2022.
20 February 2023

President Paul Kagame on Monday, February 20, appointed Deputy Commissioner General of Police (DCGP) Felix Namuhoranye as the new Inspector General of Rwanda National Police (RNP), replacing Commissioner General Dan Munyuza, who has held the duties since October 2018.

The mandate of the Inspector General of Police is five years but can be renewed once.

Prior to the appointment, Namuhoranyi served as the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of operations.

Other major changes saw Commissioner of Police (CP) Vincent Sano appointed to deputize Namuhoranyi, after previously serving as the Commissioner in charge of Finance.

Meanwhile, Kagame also appointed Col. Celestin Kanyamahanga, as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, replacing Maj Gen Emmanuel Bayingana who occupied the office since 2021.

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