Zimbabwe: MDC Alliance Demands Mwonzora Resignation - Party Principals Reveal Opposition Leader Squandered Party's Financing Funds Since Takeover

22 February 2023

MDC Alliance, an amalgamation of opposition political parties formed ahead of the 2018 elections, has demanded the immediate resignation of its leader Douglas Mwonzora.

Principals to the union have cited Mwonzora's failure to share funds received under the Political Parties Finance Act as one of the main reasons he has to step down.

As was exclusively revealed by NewZimbabwe.com in 2021, Mwonzora stands accused of refusing to share the funds which run into millions of Zimbabwean dollars.

His failure to convene meetings and conduct a post-mortem of last year's humiliating by-election loss has been identified as another reason the MDC-T President has to leave office.

MDC Alliance was formed and led by late MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai as a united front to unseat Zanu PF.

Upon his death the seat was taken by current Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa before a palace coup that was followed by quickfire events which eventually saw his nemesis, Mwonzora take over.

"It is now clear that you have been too busy, for almost a year, with MDC-T affairs and other issues at the expense of MDC Alliance operations," reads a letter sent to Mwonzora and signed by Mathias Guchutu on behalf of all alliance principals.

"Your manoeuvring through avoiding any form of formal Principals meetings even suicidally sidelined, among other issues as per our previous letters, the 26 of March, 22 by-elections post-mortem, general

elections preparedness, the Political Parties Finance grant as an agenda item and up to now not a single Zimbabwe dollar, has been paid to any Alliance partner.

"We agreed on percentages long back and do not need meetings except on challenges. This is against the backdrop of millions of the previous grants that vanished before the March 26 by elections that paralysed the kicking off of all Alliance operations.

"We cannot continue tolerating such gross incompetence, gross negligence and politically fatal financial indiscipline as we inch toward a landmark general election.

"It is our hope and pray that you do yourself and the Alliance a favour by resigning as the MDC Alliance leader in the next 72 hours, starting Monday 20 February at 8am."

Guchutu's letter comes at a time Mwonzora is battling to save his party from splitting following a chaotic Annual General Meeting (AGM) that has seen senior party members being suspended and fired after being accused of being the sources of division within the party.

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