Zimbabwe: Zim Braces for Cyclone Freddy - Lessons Suspended for Day Scholars in Affected Areas

The Joint Typhoon Warning Center's photo of tropical cyclone Freddy in the early morning hours, February 23, 2023.
23 February 2023

Strong contingency measures have been put in place by Government to cope with Cyclone Freddy, whose fringes reach Zimbabwe tonight, including keeping day scholars in affected districts at home tomorrow, establishing evacuation centres, and deploying aid and medical supplies so they are physically in place in the at-risk districts.

At the same time transport operators have been stopped running night services, and local authorities have been warned of the flood dangers in wetlands and along rivers.

Cyclone Freddy hit southern Madagascar on Tuesday night and while it was downgraded to an overland depression, it was expected in the Mozambique Channel today, where it will build up strength again to at least the severe tropical storm level, before making landfall in Mozambique,

While the Meteorological Services Department has forecast that the worst-hit provinces will be Manicaland, especially the southern districts, Masvingo and parts of Matabeleland South, the meteorologists have warned that Freddy's path could alter drastically and so Government is prepared to deal with high rainfall, strong winds and damage in Mashonaland East and Central and Harare Metropolitan as well, provinces now also placed on high alert and counted as high risk.

Delivering a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said Cabinet received a report on the probable impact of Freddy which was presented by Local Government and Public Works Minister July Moyo, whose ambit covers the Department of Civil Protection.

"Weather experts are predicting that it may cause damage along its path," said Minister Mutsvangwa.

"In view of this cyclone information, the Government, through its agencies, has taken due alert and has put in place the following measures: setting up of evacuation establishments, deploying aid and medical supplies in Government offices in potentially vulnerable districts, boarding schools to remain open but to suspend lessons in the affected areas on Friday to reduce the movement of pupils and should gather students in buildings or dormitories with secure roofs or spaces where they can get covering if the roof is blown off; and day scholars in affected areas can have Friday off to reduce student movement," she said.

In addition, said Minister Mutsvangwa, Cabinet had directed that small to medium enterprises and artisanal miners should avoid going underground.

"Citizens should avoid crossing rivers in flood, public transport operators should operate during day time; and that all local authorities stand warned against settling people in wetlands, waterways, river basins and other undesignated sites.

"Cabinet would like to assure the nation that all these measures are meant to avoid unnecessary loss of life. The public will be kept abreast of all developments on the matter," said Minister Mutsvangwa.

Spinning cloud bands of Freddy will start reaching Zimbabwe from this evening and will pass over southern Manicaland, Masvingo and parts of Matabeleland South tomorrow while weakening from Saturday, forecasts the Met Department, while warning that the trajectory of the storm may "change drastically".

The Meteorological Services Department has forecast heavy rainfall and strong winds in the hit areas from this evening until Sunday, with localised heavy rainfall in excess of 50mm, and even in excess of 65mm, and flash flooding in areas with saturated soils, over wetlands, on impervious grounds and along river basins.

People are urged to stay indoors during thunderstorms unless it is an emergency.

Freddy was set to enter the waters of the Mozambique channel at around 5pm yesterday after passing over southern Madagascar and then head west-southwest and in 36 hours, reach its final peak intensity of around 110km/h, the severe tropical storm stage.

Freddy was expected to move west over the Mozambique Channel making landfall in the early morning hours of tomorrow and quickly weakening over the next three days. But the Met Departments warns that the trajectory may change drastically and in any case the spinning cloud bands will touch Zimbabwe this evening.

"There will be blown-off roofs and fallen trees due to strong winds. Open drains and pot holes may be covered in water. Rain may affect outdoor activities. Plan with the weather in mind. If travel is necessary, please take caution on the roads as visibility may be reduced and there may be hidden flood dangers. Do not attempt to cross rivers in flood on foot or in vehicles," said the Met Department and the Department of Civil Protection, which is on high alert.

The most at-risk districts are Chimanimani, Chipinge, Chiredzi, Mwenezi, Beitbridge, Chivi, Masvingo Rural, Zaka and Bikita, but the risk of drastic trajectory change mean that the rest of eastern Zimbabwe needs to be on alert.

Freddy was yesterday over Madagascar, and reportedly damaged houses. As part of the precautions, Madagascar's government suspended schools and transport in the path of tropical cyclone Freddy, which made landfall in the southeast of the country on Tuesday evening at around 8:30pm.

The Department of Civil Protection said all relevant stakeholders and traditional leaders must step up efforts to disseminate information to their communities where heavy rains accompanied by strong winds are expected.

"We urge citizens to take heed of the Meteorological Services Department alerts as they continue monitoring the unfolding situation. Citizens should be on the watch for possible flooding, avoid crossing flooded rivers and streams, stay indoors and avoid artisanal mining on shaky ground during the period," the department said.

"Citizens living in low-lying areas are also encouraged to move to high ground."

A National Civil Protection Committee emergency meeting was held on Wednesday in Harare and district civil protection committees countrywide have also been mobilised. District development coordinators are required to be on standby to respond to any eventualities.

In the event that certain communities are evacuated, schools would be temporarily closed in the affected areas. Schools are usually used as evacuation points, being generally well built on higher ground and having water supplies.

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