Zimbabwe: Ngarivhume Makes Another U-Turn, Withdraws Support for Chamisa Announces Plan to Run for Presidency

24 February 2023

Transform Zimbabwe (TZ) President Jacob Ngarivhume has decided to run for presidency this year, a month after dumping prospects of standing and announcing he will back Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa.

Ngarivhume, who has yet to stand as a candidate since formation of TZ, had been receiving a barrage of attacks from perceived CCC supporters angered by his criticism of Chamisa.

His comments on Chamisa's continued use of bible verse in response to Zanu PF and police actions against his party and members irked CCC followers.


The people have chosen you; Ngarivhume says to Chamisa in major climbdown; opposition leader had heavily criticised CCC's handling of party business

Focus on your own organisation says Chamisa to Ngarivhume

"I have decided to run for president! This campaign is about standing up to tyranny and fighting corruption with action. We will not defeat Zanu PF playing by their rules," said Ngarivhume in an announcement on Twitter.

"To the fringe voices with a burning desire for action, let's do this together. In me you have an ally.

"We are going to fight for Job Sikhala's release and hold those who've persecuted him accountable for violating the Bill of Rights!!

"We are going after Mnangagwa's record, past and present. The man tried to defraud the nation during a global pandemic. The Drax scandal was approved by his office. This is not a small issue!

"We have over 40,000 police officers in this country. There is no reason to pray for a peaceful election. ZRP will do its job as set out in the constitution to protect all citizens. We will expose those who are abusing their positions to prop up the regime."

In 2018 Ngarivhume chose not to run for office and joined a union of opposition political parties, the MDC Alliance led by Chamisa in a bid to unseat incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa.

His followers are yet to be quantified against Chamisa and any other opposition party, as he has not been participating in past electoral activities including rallies and elections.

He added: "The justice system has failed. There is a reason. Someone is to blame for the state our judiciary is in. Our prisons are full of innocent people deprived of freedom by corrupt judges. This is about to end!

"Our nation is deep in debt yet those in government are giving each other bonuses! Using the Freedom of Information Act we are going to find out what they've been doing with our money! They can try to burn the books but the truth will come out!

"The 2023 elections will not be another opportunity to legitimise criminals. Those who are running for office must have clean hands and a clean record! It's time for citizens to make the rules!"

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