Tanzania: State Commits to Finance All Development Projects

Mwanza — THE government has expressed its commitment to finance all development projects in order to improve the livelihoods of citizens by accelerating economic growth to individual and the country at large.

The Minister for Public Services Management and Good Governance, Ms Jenista Mhagama that recently while addressing citizens at Butimba ward in Nyamagana District.

The minister was in the region to inspect different social projects that are being implemented by the government through the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) and financed by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

TASAF through its Tanzania Poverty Reduction Project Phase Four (TPRP IV), is undertaking social services transformation at Butimba Ward in education sector, by upgrading Nyamagana Secondary School through construction of three classrooms.

It will also construct a teachers' office, a dormitory, toilets and a school canteen capable of serving 160 students at once as well as building the administration block, at a cost of nearly 430m/-.

Ms Mhagama noted that upon completion of the entire project at the school will be transformed to high secondary school, meaning that it will accommodate students from Form One to Six.

She said the government will provide additional funds through TASAF to modernise the school infrastructures, including expansion of the school canteen.

"The government allocates enough money to enable all students to acquire quality education; we will keep delivering in line with CCM Election Manifesto ... President Samia (Suluhu Hassan) takes the lead to create favorable environment for students to pursue their studies under conducive environment," she said.

Ms Mhagama urged all project supervisors to ensure that the projects are completed as agreed and ensure value for money to support President Samia's great vision for countrywide sustainable transformation of social services including hospital and schools.

Furthermore, Ms Mhagama commended the ongoing implementation's pace of all the country's major strategic projects such as the Kigongo Busisi Bridge, the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), Nyerere Hydroelectric Power Project and the MV Mwanza 'HapaKaziTu' among others.

To trace the progress for example, the MV Mwanza Hapa KaziTu worth 109b/- has reached 82 per cent while the Kigongo Busisi Bridge that is on construction at a cost of 716b/-, so far has been completed by 65 per cents while the Nyerere Hydroelectric Power Project worth 6.5 tri/- has exceeded 80 per cent completion.

Butimba Ward Executive Officer (WEO), Mr David Kyarwenda commended the government for improvement and expansion of Nyamagana Secondary School, specifically the addition of classrooms that will enable all students to have seats and reduce congestion from 79 students per class to 49 students per classroom.

He added that the government last year constructed 8,000 classrooms countrywide, after allocating 160b/- to put all admitted 2023 Form One students in the classes, thanks to President Samia's government for high commitment in transforming the country's education.

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