South Africa: Social and Environment Change Knowledge Co-Creation With Cogta


Democracy Works Foundation (DWF) is excited to announce a collaborative knowledge co-creation initiative in partnership with the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) on the 28th and the 1st of March 2023 in Centurion.

The engagement is around Social and Environment Change, which is part of the Climate Change challenges communities face. CoGTA has an important role in managing Disasters through communities, so it is essential that its members are fully appraised on climate change to support municipalities and the communities they serve.

This initiative is part of the Foundation's commitment to supporting good climate change governance through the project. The project aims to enhance Civil Society participation in municipal and private sector decision-making processes within the climate change and development nexus, within the context of the Just Transition. Supporting and building knowledge around municipal climate change-related public participation mandates is a key component of the project.

The Foundation appreciates CoGTA as a key stakeholder and strategic partner. Their role is to support municipalities and Traditional Leaders in delivering their mandates and responsibilities and strengthen cooperative governance, which aligns with the Foundation's climate change initiative. CoGTA also hosts the National Disaster Management Centre, a key institution in supporting communities against known climate change impacts, such as the floods currently threatening lives and livelihoods in large parts of the country.

The training objectives are:

To improve the understanding of the relationships between the environment and society and

To co-create knowledge on how CoGTA can contribute to the adaptation and resilience of municipalities and communities.

The training aims to align efforts from various spheres of government to understand future challenges to come.

The planned outcomes of the training are as follows:

How is the Earth changing, and what does this mean for society

Getting to the root of our societal problems

How is transformation possible

What is possible, and how do we play a role

What are the systems and structures that need to change society

What are the democratic and governance Systems that will deliver a just world

The FIG CCC project is co-funded by the European Union and runs from March 2021 until February 2024 in the Northern Cape and Western Cape provinces of South Africa.

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