Zimbabwe: NUST Backtracks On Fees Hike After Students Protest, Says Increase Was a 'Portal Error'

Nust students protest.
28 February 2023

The National University of Science and Technology (NUST) was Monday forced to reverse a recent fees hike after students staged a demonstration against the new fees structure.

The protesters barricaded the walk-in entrance with stones and tree branches which were later on removed by police.

The university had increased the fees to US$720 per semester which was however revoked.

NUST communication director Thabani Mpofu confirmed a meeting was held with the Students Representative Council (SRC).

He added the US$720 was an error which had occurred on the students' portal.

"There is no fee increase, it was just an error which has happened in their portal, but send me questions and I will give you what transpired and what we have resolved, as it is everything is back to normal," Mpofu said.

In a notice to students, SRC President Muziwenkosi Sigidi Moyo said students will continue paying the previous amount they had been paying since September last year.

"We are happy to inform you that the recently hiked fees of US$720 have been revoked and removed from your portals. Students will now continue to pay the present ZWL fees structure adopted in September 2022.

"To preserve the value of the finances, the same fees will be pegged at the prevailing interbank rate and the USD fees structure will be taken down and replaced with last semester's updated ZWL fees structure," Moyo said.

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