Kenya: EACC Seeks Matiangi's Wealth Records for 2012-2022 in Graft Probe

28 February 2023

Nairobi — The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has opened an investigation on former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi's wealth over a 10-year period.

In the new quest, EACC is seeking key documents including initial and final wealth declaration records to aid in the investigation.

Details of the fresh probe emerged Tuesday after sources at EACC confirmed the authenticity of a confidential document leaked to the public.

In the letter, EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak asked Head of Public Service Felix Koskei to avail certified copies of Matiangi's wealth declaration records.

The documents being sought by the anti-graft agency cover the 10-year period during which Matiangi served in former President Uhuru Kenyatta's Cabinet.

"The Commission wishes to request for Certified Copies of Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities forms for years 2012 to 2022, including the initial and final declarations," Mbarak stated.

He EACC officers Abdul Low and Paul Mugwe to spearhead the case by collecting the documents.

The move came weeks following an escalation between the former Cabinet Secretary and the State that saw his lawyers obtain anticipatory bail to preempt his arrest.

Trouble begun when Matiangi alleged a police raid at his home in what later became a misleading report forcing a police investigation into the matter.

The Media Council of Kenya also sought information from news organizations that reported the alleged raid.

Following the reports, DCI later obtained orders to retrieve CCTV footage from Matiangi's Karen residence in a prove over the alleged raid.

Consequently, CS was summoned by the DCI to appear at the agency's headquarters to record a statement so as to assist in investigations.

Matiang'i however snubbed the summons with his lawyer Danston Omari arguing that his client was never directly served by the DCI.

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