Tanzania: Samia Appointees Pledge to Deliver

Dodoma — THE newly appointed Permanent Secretaries PSs and their deputies have kicked off their new responsibilities with a bang, with everyone promising to deliver to the expectations of President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

There was jovial mood at different ministries located at the popular Magufuli City (Mtumba) when employees of the ministries lined up to welcome their new bosses.

The new top administrators reported to their new duty stations beginning on Tuesday, promising to implement the directives issued by Dr Samia on Monday, when swearing in ministers, deputy ministers, PSs and their deputies as well as Regional Commissioners.

The PS in the ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prof Carolyne Nombo hit the ground running as she pledged to discharge her duties by considering professionalism, creativity and efficiency in ensuring that the targets of the entire sector were met.

She made the pledge in the company of her new deputy PS Dr Franklin Rwezimula, who was also appointed by President Samia in the new reshuffle made on Sunday, whereas both insisted on making sure that the quality of Education provided in the country, was of the highest quality.

According to Prof Nombo, her ministry was at the final stages to harmonize the Education and Training Policy 2014 as well as curriculums, insisting that the exercise was not only in Tanzania but it was being done worldwide.

At the ministry of Health the reception was made to welcome the newly elected PS, Dr Seif Shekalaghe and his deputy Dr Grace Maghembe.

Speaking immediately after the reception, Dr Shekalaghe thanked the Head of State for trusting him and his deputy to lead the crucial ministry charged with overseeing people's health in the country.

Both the PS and his deputy promised to dedicate their diligent work to the ministry by ensuring that the country had quality health services.

Similar sentiments were witnessed at the ministry of minerals where the newly appointed PS, Kheri Mahimbali reported at his new duty stations immediately after being sworn in promising close collaboration with fellow staff in efforts to bring revolution in the mining sector.

"I am not an expert in the mining sector, therefore I am banking on your support and I hereby promise you close collaboration with all," he noted.

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