Zimbabwe: Gweru Town Clerk Challenges Suspension - Argues Councillors Responsible for Land Servicing Tenders Under Review

Gweru Town Clerk Vakayi Chikwekwe has challenged his suspension over a scandal that saw three companies in the Midlands town being awarded tenders to service council land.

Chikwekwe was suspended without pay and benefits earlier this year after questions were raised following the awarding of tenders to Cacas, Wackdrive and Shesham.

In a letter from his lawyers gleaned by NewZimbabwe.com, Chikwekwe argues that he is being targeted by individuals within council for political reasons as he had no authority to award tenders.

The letter lays into councillors, whom Chikwekwe argues are suffering from amnesia as tenders under review were awarded after a full council resolution.

"Our client is concerned with clear selective amnesia on the part of the council members relating to the memorandum of agreements for the servicing of Mkoba 21 and Randolph Phase 1 by Shesham, Cacas and Wackdrive," reads the letter dated February 27, 2023.

"It should be noted and sight should not be lost that our client is just a council official who does not make decisions during council meetings.

"Careful consideration of the documents relating to the alleged tender procedures clearly exposes his arrest and suspension as an abuse of the criminal justice system by political players for political expedience."

Council documents awarding tenders to the three companies were signed by Chikwekwe and city mayor.

Adds the letter: "The million-dollar question is who should be answerable for the award of the tender in circumstances where there is a council resolution which empowers the signatories to proceed with the signing of the agreements?

"In the circumstances, where it is alleged that there was alleged unlawfulness in the process of awarding the tender to Cacas, Wackdrive and Shesham, the million-dollar question is what about Cllr J. Makombe who signed the agreements as well?"

Chikwekwe who is also challenging a special committee set up to investigate him, threatened to approach the High Court and demanded immediate reinstatement of his salary and benefits.

"There is no basis for the council not to pay our client's salaries and benefits, more so in this case where there is clearly no case against him," it says.

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