Uganda: Minister Amongi Should Resign With Immediate Effect for Abuse of Office-NSSF Probe Recommends

The Select Committee of Parliament tasked to investigate alleged abuse of office, corruption and mismanagement of the National Social Security Fund(NSSF) has found Gender Minister, Betty Amongi guilty and recommended her immediate resignation for abuse of office.

Minister Amongi was accused of writing a controversial letter to the NSSF board asking that they set aside Shs6 billion to conduct her projects including activities which were already being carried out by the Fund.

In the report released on Wednesday, the parliamentary committee found that all that was done by the minister was illegal and tantamounted abuse of office.

"The actions of the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi Ongom, in directing shs6 billion to be availed to her ministry, amounts to abuse of office since the Minister, being the supervisor of NSSF, without any law empowering her to do so and knowing that ministry activities are financed through appropriation did an act which is prejudicial to savers funds and the just administration of the NSSF," the committee found.

Minister Amongi had earlier told journalists that the shs6 billion was not going to her office but rather for the Fund to popularize the recently amended NSSF Act.

" Therefore, I would like to demystify the ongoing misinformation that the shs6 billion budget I approved is appropriated under NSSF operation budget for 2022/2023 and activities mentioned are for NSSF and not my ministry," Amongi said.

"These activities will be undertaken by the NSSF in partnership with relevant entities, be it government agencies or private sector players. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will only provide oversight, and support the fund in the implementation of these activities, in line with its legal mandate as the Ministry responsible for social security."

However, during the probe, former NSSF Managing Director, Richard Byarugaba said it was unheard of for a minister to ask for such funds from an entity she or he supervises.

"When the request came in, I opened my eyes and asked if it was real because in my career as a public servant and private person I have never got a request to fund my principal. ... I call myself a victim) of witch-hunt) . I know the honourable minister and the Fund have tried to portray me as a villain and to be frank I am a victim and I feel bad," Byarugaba told parliament.

"I would never have expected it to come from the Ministry of Gender, that is why I was awed. On a rather sad note, being my supervisor this(Shs6 billion) is a clear case of conflict. How would we as a fund and I as the accounting officer demand accountability from my supervisor? How would I discipline my supervisor(minister) and the ministry in case they abused these funds?"

The NSSF board chairperson, Peter Kimbowa said the request for shs6 billion by the minister was irregular.

Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija also told the committee that the shs6 billion request was irregular and that the ministry can only request for funds to run its affairs from the treasury.

In its probe, the parliamentary committee found that the conduct of the minister in directing the Board to provide funding for activities of her ministry and the subsequent political pressure exerted on Richard Byarugaba, when he refused to provide the said funding not only contravened the best principles of Corporate Governance, but also amounts to undue influence on the decision-making process of the Board by the Minister.

The committee noted that whereas the minister is empowered to approve the budget with or without amendment, the request for shs6 billion interfered with the discretion of the Board in the budget process and amounts to abuse of office by the minister .

The probe indicated that the ministry's activities Amongi sought to be funded by the Board ought to have been funded from the funds appropriated to the ministry and not from NSSF.

The committee therefore reasoned with all respondents that the action by Minister Amongi to request for the shs6 billion was irregular.

"The actions of the minister are arbitrary and an abuse of the duty under the NSSF Act thereby bringing her conduct within the ambit of the prohibitions under Section 11 of the Anti-Corruption Act on abuse of office."

The committee therefore, recommends that the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Betty Amongi Ongom, resigns in public interest with immediate effect."

The committee further recommend that the president takes keen interest in Minister Amongi's conduct above with the view of taking another action.

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