Tanzania: Agency Empowers Youth On Self Employment

Zanzibar — ZANZIBAR Economic Empowerment Agency (ZEEA) has devised strategies to equip youth with appropriate skills to employ themselves after studies, the House of Representatives heard here yesterday.

Minister of State, President's Office, Labour Economy and Investment Mudrik Ramadhan Soraga cited some of the strategies as training on mindset change to enable the youth to glorify self-employment over government jobs.

He said the agency has prepared a project paper on cooperation with higher learning institutions in the country to review the teaching curriculum that focus on producing highly competent and confident scholars with the courage to employ themselves.

Minister Mudrak was answering a question by Mwanakwerekwe Representative Ameir Abdalla Ameir, who wanted to know the government's intervention to change the mindset of many graduates, who perceive government jobs as the only available option for employment.

The minister further explained that ZEEA has been organising competitions in business plan write ups, with the winning proposals supported with capital in terms of working equipment.

The labour department also offers training to empower youth on self-employment.

Already, 4,171 Zanzibaris in Unguja and Pemba have received trainings in various fields, including entrepreneurship, tailoring, solar power, bee keeping, baking and processing of vegetables and fruits.

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