Zimbabwe: July Moyo Suspends Three Kwekwe Councillors for Gross Incompetence

LOCAL Government Minister July Moyo has with immediate effect suspended former Kwekwe Mayor Angeline Kasipo, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) councillor Melody Chingarande and Zanu PF councillor Makomborero Mlambo for gross misconduct, incompetence and violation of the law.

The trio's suspension comes on the same day MDC Alliance president Douglas Mwonzora recalled Kwekwe Deputy Mayor Pikurai Msipa and two other councillors.

The latest action have seen at least five CCC councillors at Kwekwe being removed from the chamber.

"In line with Section 114(2) of the Urban Councils Act, Chapter (29:15) as amended by the Local Government Laws Amendment Act Number 8, of 2016, I have reasonable grounds for suspecting that you Councillor Angeline Kasipo have committed acts of gross misconduct, gross incompetence, and wilful violation of the law as referenced in subsection (1) (b) (C) and (e) and hereby suspend you with immediate effect, from the office of Councillor of City of Kwekwe, ward 10 in terms of Section 114 of the Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29:15)as amended by Section 3 of the Local Government Amendment Act, Number 8 of 2016," said Moyo in a letter dated 28 February 2023.

Allegations are the three participated in a council process where a motion had been submitted by Councillor Ndlovu, Msipa, Chingarande, Ngwenya and Moyo on a review of the 2023 approved budget.

"You supported the proposal and secondment of the illegal resolution passed in 27 January 2023 of reviewing and approved budget then though you were advised by the Chamber Secretary about the illegality.

"This was in Violation of the Public Finance Management Act (Chapter 22:19) of the Urban Councils Act (Chapter 29:15. The law is very clear on the procedures the supplementing a budget after it has been approved. A supplementary budget has to undergo the same process as the approved budget in terms of Section 288 (5) of the Urban Councils Act," he added.

Moyo said due to their actions the local authority became ungovernable, illegally operating without a budget.

The Minister said the actions by the three Councillors did not only amount to gross misconduct, gross incompetence and "wilful violation of the law despite advise of your actions Institute ungovernability and financial chaos in the running Kwekwe City Council."

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