Kenya: ODM County Leaders Endorse Odinga's Mass Action Call

Nairobi Kenya — Azimio la Umoja One Kenya leader Raila Odinga's call for mass action has received a boost from his Orange Democratic Party.

The party's chairmen from 35 counties who had a consultative meeting with their party leader in Nairobi on Friday said that the mass action will address critical concerns affecting Kenyans.

"The county chairs are fully behind the party leaders to restore the stolen victory and push for an audit of election results," said Philip Makabong'o, the secretary general of the ODM chairperson's caucus.

"We also support his initiative to pressure the Kenya Kwanza regime to lower the rising cost of living and call for mass action should the government turn a deaf ear to the people's concern," he said.

"We are ready for Mass Action even now because Kenyans are suffering. We will stage it in all our 47 counties but the major one will be in Nairobi

The ODM County caucus demanded that rebel MPs who met President William Ruto at the State House in mid-February be taken off the list.

"We call upon NEC and all organs concerned to expedite the de-registration process of ODM members who visited State House. We remain loyal to our party leader," said Makabong'o.

"This will act as a warning to others who may be planning of derailing the party in which they are still members."

They accused the Judiciary of supporting impunity citing the dismissal of Raila's presidential petition despite "glaring irregularities and malpractices committed by the IEBC".

"We, therefore, demand the opening of the IEBC servers, and this shows that Kenyans no longer have confidence in the Supreme court rulings," said Makabong'o

Coincidentally, their stance came on the same day the ODM party lost two parliamentary seats after the court nullified Magarini MP Harrison Kombe's election and Lagdera's Abdikadir Hussein.

It followed petitions filed by UDA's Stanley Kenga and Abdiqani Zeitun respectively.

Azimio's Mass Action plan is scheduled for next week Wednesday after Azimio leader Raila Odinga gave the ruling regime an ultimatum of 14 days to lower the cost of living at the Jevanjee Gardens in Nairobi.

Raila, speaking to the crowd at the prayer rally gave the Kenya Kwanza government 14 days to reduce the high cost of living and lower taxes.

"Withdrawal of subsidies to food and education in the middle of drought and famine was reckless and heartless. Consequently, the subsidies must be restored, and the cost of basic commodities and taxes must come down in the next 14 days," he said.

Raila who has been traversing the country with his message of electoral denialism demanded Azimio's demands be responded to in 14 days.

"If these demands are not heeded within fourteen days, we shall lead Kenyans to massive mass action across the country to take their power back and restore sanity," said Raila.

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