Angola At 5th UN Conference On Least Developed Countries

Luanda — The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, will participate from the 5th to the 9th of this month, in Doha, capital of Qatar, in the 5th United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC5).

According to a note from the Vice President's Office of Institutional Communication and Press to which ANGOP has had access, the conference constitutes an opportunity to speed up the process of sustainable development of the LDCs.

According to the note, for five days, Heads of State and Government will meet with the private sector, civil society, parliamentarians and young people to present new ideas, redefine support and encourage compliance with the commitments agreed through the Doha Action Programme.

The conference - where announcements of specific initiatives and concrete results are expected for LDCs specific challenges - is to be filled with plenary sessions, high-level thematic round tables and parallel events are planned, some dedicated to the private sector, young people, parliamentarians, South-South cooperation, investments in social welfare, trade, integration, climate change and the pandemic.

The delegation is also made up of the minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Augusto Caetano João, the minister of the Environment, Ana Paula Chantre Luna de Carvalho, the secretary of State for International Cooperation and Angolan Communities, Domingos Custódio Vieira Lopes, the ambassador of Angola to Qatar, António Coelho Ramos da Cruz, representatives of the Civil Affairs Office of the President of the Republic, National Assembly, Angolan public companies and civil society.

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