African Water and Sanitation Congress Closes With a Call for Access to Water and Sanitation for All

6 March 2023
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

Leaders from the water sector, development partners and government ministries have called for universal guaranteed access to water and sanitation services in Africa.

In a communique issued at the end of the 21st African Water Association International Congress and Exhibition and the 7th Faecal Sludge Management Conference, participants acknowledged the burden of inadequate water and sanitation in Africa, and the need for closer coordination among government, development partners and industry to mobilize financing to strengthen the water sector.

1,600 delegates and representatives from 146 international companies participated in the February 19-23 joint conference, co-sponsored by the African Development Bank.

Dr. Silver Mugisha, president of the African Water and Sanitation Association, stressed that sanitation would be a big part of the Association's focus going forward and urged others to do the same. "Let's not just say that we have added sanitation but build it in from the ground up."

Mugisha also added: "Let's go with action-oriented take homes in order to cause a difference. Whatever we do, we must do it in the best interest of people and hopefully, this conference has provided a few things we can use."

Osward Chanda, African Development Bank's Director of Water Development and Sanitation, stressed the importance of innovation, partnerships and new approaches in strengthening water service delivery. He expressed optimism about the potential partnerships that have been formed during the congress to implement innovations and help the water sector.

Chanda also advocated for knowledge strengthening, the promotion of business models to increase efficiency and scale up access to water and sanitation, and the inclusion of beneficiary voices in the sector's conversations.

"We need more voices of beneficiaries in these conversations so that they can provide that much-needed experience and knowledge from the ground," Chanda said. He also reiterated the Bank's commitment to supporting actions, initiatives and innovations that will improve livelihoods and make a difference for Africans.

Drissa Diomande, Chief of Staff to the Ivorian Minister for Hydraulics, Sanitation and Hygiene, unveiled the Abidjan 2023 Declaration on access to water and sanitation. The communique recognizes the need for an integrated approach to managing water resources to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 by 2030.

Mr. Diomande also recommended that the Declaration be presented during the United Nations Water Conference in March 2023 in New York.

The next African Water and Sanitation Association congress will take place in February 2024, in Guinea Conakry

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