Kenya: Controller of Budget Nyakang'o Says She Released Sh15 Billion Under Duress

Nairobi — Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang'o has unearthed details of how the retired President Uhuru Kenyatta's regime pushed her to approve Sh15.5 billion funding under duress.

In documents tabled for before the National Assembly Public Petition Committee, Nyakang'o told MPs that the Former Cabinet Secretary for Treasury Ukur Yatani pushed her to approve funding for two state departments in violation of the constitution.

She revealed that Yatani had pushed her to approve Sh6 billion to cater for the exit of Helios Investment in Telkom Kenya threatening her that in the event she failed President Uhuru Kenyatta would personally call her.

"You can see I was being told that His Excellency was going to be asked to call me anytime but he however did not because of that pressure I was under threat," she said.

The Controller of Budget gave a detailed breakdown of how she was forced to approve Sh9.2 billion which was approved by the National Treasury under Article 223 to the State Department for Infrastructure.

In July 2022, the office of the Controller of Budget approved Sh2.8 billion as the additional budget for the improvement of the Lamu-Ijara-Garissa Road.

In the same month, the National Treasury invoked under Article 223 to approve the additional budget for the dualling of the Nairobi Eastern By-Pass for Sh4.8 billion and the Construction of Makupa Causeway for Sh1.85 billion.

Nyakango told the committee that the Yatani-led docket utilized monies from the Annuity Fund to fund the Sh9.2 billion project for the State Department of Infrastructure which was a violation of the law.

The Controller of Budget explained that all infrastructural projects constructed using the Annuity Fund must be approved by the Kenya Roads Board.

"The Board is supposed to sit and come up with priority projects but somehow the National Treasury decided that this is where the funds for construction were to come from," she said.

In the documents presented by Nyakango, she has outlined how the person identified as CS Yatani coerced her to release the funds days before the August 9 election.

Yatani: "Good Afternoon, please also facilitate similar approvals for infrastructure ministry for amounts of Ksgs8B (sic) and Sh2 billion."

Yatani: (One hour and 20 minutes later): Yatani sent her a photo and wrote "Please help us expedite this."

The Former National Treasury boss is said to have escalated conversation on her email address.

He texted her a minute later saying, "H.E might even call you if we don't deal with this by 4 pm,".

Which prompted Nyakango to answer the Former Treasury boss asking, : "Are you saying we have 26 minutes to complete the process?"

Yatani:He just called and I assured him that I have spoken to you and you promised before the end of the day.

I know he'll again. He has persuaded some guys to resume work and promised that their bill will be settled by today.


The Controller of Budget recommended that MPs seal loopholes that the National Treasury use to violate Article 223 of the Constitution points out that in the financial year 2022/2023 it approved Sh139.6billion.

Nyakango however approved funding for the total request amounting to Sh69.49 billion due to inadequate funds.

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