Kenya: Azimio Lawmakers Want UDA to Quit Lamentations Over Kenyatta-Era Ills

Nairobi — Azimio La Umoja One Kenya legislators have asked President William Ruto's administration to focus on accountability to Kenyans and shun "lamentations".

The leaders called on Kenya Kwanza Alliance to borrow a leaf from the President Mwai Kibaki-led Narc Kenya administration that took over the reigns of power in 2002.

Addressing news reporters on Wednesday, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna decried accusations against President Uhuru Kenyatta's dispensation.

"Narc didn't set about writing a book of lamentation telling people how bad the situation was. The people were already feeling how bad the situation was. They instead set up programs to ensure that people were benefitting. Within a month in power, they set up a results-based program," said Sifuna.

He scoffed at Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's threats that he will unveil a list of state officials in Kenyatta's regime who he alleged looted Sh24 billion in the sunset days of the latter's administration.

"We don't want people to continue threatening to name individuals who have looted Kenyan money. If you have the names call a press conference and say Sifuna took ten million forward the names to the DCI and EACC and let them do the investigations," he said.

"Even Kenyans want to know but we cannot have a government of lamentations. The Kenya Kwanza Administration must now start accounting for its time," Sifuna remarked.

UDA pledges

His Kitui counterpart Enock Wambua noted President Kibaki's administration focused on rapid reforms after taking helm from the Kanu government that had left the economy in a dilapidated condition.

"The Rainbow Coalition shared with the country and the international community on the laid-out plans to ensure its programs are implemented in a sustainable manner," he said.

Alego Usonga MP Sam Atandi stated that President Ruto's administration had failed to show Kenyans elaborate mechanism to alleviate Kenyans from the harsh economic times saying they were further distancing from the bottom up economic model.

"There is absolutely nothing going in this government. We have just gone through the supplementary budget there was nothing in that budget that pointed out to the direction of uplifting Kenyans," said Atandi.

Mathare MP Anthony Oluoch said the Opposition will not relent in demanding accountability from the ruling coalition raising concerns that President Ruto has been shifting goal posts on pledges.

"We want answers and if they don't come we will be forced to ask our supporters to go with us to government offices to seek answers," said Oluoch.

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