Zimbabwe: Chamisa Says 'Panicky' Mnangagwa Behind Ordering of Junior Officers to Vote Zanu-PF At Polls

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe at the 2022 African Investment Forum

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has fingered President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the illegal ordering of junior officers to vote Zanu PF at this year's elections.

The orders are being delivered by Chief Superintendents from ZRP's Staff College at 'ideology workshops' being held across the country under the guise of civic education.

As reported by NewZimbabwe.com trainings have already been conducted in Harare, Mashonaland Central, Bulawayo and Matabeleland North provinces.

Speaking at a press conference Thursday, Chamisa said Mnangagwa was panicking.

"I get reports every day from those who are serving in our uniformed forces that they are getting what is called civic education, a programme which is trying to teach those institutions party issues," said Chamisa.

"Zimbabwe is bigger than any political party. Our soldiers, police, and intelligence services are not supposed to be subjected to partisan propaganda. They are not supposed to serve a political party, they are national institutions, and we want to maintain their integrity.

"I know some actions by the police are not their fault. Their hands are tied, it is the work of my brother Emmerson Mnangagwa.

"A lot of people think acts of Zanu PF are based on invisibility and them being indomitable; they are showing that they are on the back foot, they are panicking."

Senior officers in the police and army have for years been accused of openly supporting Zanu PF and at times forcing juniors to vote in their presence.

That was the case in 2008 after Mugabe's first-round defeat to late democracy icon Morgan Tsvangirai.

"One key point they drove was that white people want to take over control of Zimbabwe and we should not allow that. They ordered that we all vote for Zanu PF at this year's elections," said a junior officer who has attended the training.

Zimbabwe has about 45,000 police officers.

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