Zimbabwe: Chamisa Ready to Step Down From CCC Leadership, As Party Readies for New Candidate Selection Process

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa has said he is ready to step down from the party's leadership if members decide so.

He was responding to journalists' questions after announcing CCC had already started the process to identify candidates that will contest at this year's general elections.

The process will see community members selecting their representatives through what has been titled a Community Consensus Candidate Selection programme.

It involves selected members of the public coming together to select possible candidates that will then be seconded to CCC's candidate selection committee for review. The party promised to share more details on the initiative.

Opposition CCC said it was doing away with primary elections as they were divisive, prone to manipulation and not a true reflection of leadership in communities.

The same process will be used to determine its presidential candidate at this year's general elections expected in August.

"Leadership is an opportunity to serve and not an opportunity to loot or eat. Many are so fixated upon wanting to use positions as careers, for some of us it is an opportunity to serve," said Chamisa.

"If people do not want you to serve, why would you impose yourself? That is why I have been saying to Mnangagwa that if I were him, I would not even stand for candidature.

"The roads are reporting that he has failed. The hospitals are screaming. Everything in this country is pointing to his failure including his own people in Zanu PF but you need a lot of humility to be able to have that kind of courage, unfortunately, he does not have that courage."

Chamisa is the founding president of CCC, an outfit formed just before last year's by-elections.

He is deputised by Welshman Ncube, Tendai Biti and Lynette Karenyi-Kore in a leadership structure that resembles his former MDC Alliance administration.

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