Mozambique: Is Ossufo Momade Resigned to No District Elections?

Renamo seems to have accepted the decision of Frelimo to cancel the holding of district elections in 2024. According to Ossufo Momade, Renamo "has no answer to give", but it was his desire that the elections be held next year.

Ossufo Momade says that Renamo regrets that the postponement of the district elections had been presented "very late".  Momade recalled that the elections are the result of agreements in 2019 between Renamo and the Government.

Ossufo Momade reacted to the cancelling of the elections after the meeting he held with the President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, in the context of the Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) of former Renamo guerrillas.

As for the next step to be taken, the leader of the largest opposition party said "Right now, we have no answer to give with regard to the district elections."

Although apparently in acceptance, Momade guaranteed "We shall discuss so as to find a solution, because we would like the district elections to be held in 2024".

For his part, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, confirmed there had been an "exchange of impressions" about the district elections. Both men analysed technical aspects concerned with the consolidation of decentralisation, and also with the financial viability of the district elections.

By way of a warning, Filipe Nyusi presented a further reason for his hesitation in pushing ahead with district elections. "If we are embarking on the DDR, in which we are thinking about paying pensions, that means involving (financial) resources." And he concluded "The Mozambicans will find a solution".

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