Kenya: Odinga Intensifies Civil Disobedience, Heads to Mombasa

Nairobi — Azimio Leader Raila Odinga heads to Mombasa County on Sunday for a major rally as he escalates his push for civil disobedience against the government.

The Mombasa rally will be the third since Odinga launched a youth resistance movement dubbed Movement for the Defence of Democracy on Thursday.

The Azimio caravan has been in Migori and in Narok County as they build up to March 20, 2023, when the brigade will hold a major rally in Nairobi.

In Mombasa, Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir will host the team which will converge at the Caltex grounds in Likoni.

The former Prime Minister who narrowly lost in the August 2022 polls is pushing the government to address key among other things the lowering of the high cost of living.

He is also pushing for electoral reforms in the country and has called for a halt in the ongoing recruitment process of the new Commissioners at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

He had issued a 14-day ultimatum to the government to address the issues but President Ruto has given him a wide berth in what prompted him to launch the nationwide mass action.

Odinga has also threatened a return of product and company boycotts similar to that of 2018 when he urged his supporters to shun certain brands that are pro-government.

"We will unveil a list of these brands and companies soon," he said during the launch of the youth movement.

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