Kenya's Top 40 Under 40 Women Finalists of 2023 Honoured At Gala Dinner

"Women are the real architects of society" - Harriet Beacher Stowe.

It is important to celebrate women not just once in a while, but as often as possible. Every day, women are breaking the glass ceiling: they are accomplishing great things in every field, including medicine, science, literature, and politics. More and more young, vibrant, energetic and assertive women of our society are leaving no stone unturned to prove themselves to the world and despite many hurdles, are continuously achieving more than their male counterparts.

On Friday evening, Nation Media Group through its Business Daily publication held a black-tie gala dinner at the Simba Corp Aspire Centre, Westlands to honor and celebrate the winners of the 2023 edition of Top 40 Under 40 Women. The Ladies all decked out in their finest gowns, some accompanied by their family members, were each awarded with a lion head sculpture trophy and various other goodies.

When Top 40 under 40 women was launched 15 years, several women who made it as finalists were in traditional careers and most were in their late 30s. Over the years, there has been quite a huge shift and diversity in the lists, well because more and more women are daring to venture in what was often seen as unchartered territories or the male dominated industries.

This year, the list has, just to mention but a few, Patricia Mativo, 26 (Vice-President- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Youth Advisory Panel) , Sylvia Museiya, 34 (Principal Secretary State Department for Wildlife), Purity Gakuo, 25 (COO and Co-founder, Kuza Freezers), Dr Victoria Simiyu, 37 (Transplant Anesthesiologist, Kenyatta National Hospital), Sylvia Gathoni, 24 (Esport athlete and Red Bull Player), Crystal Asige, 34 (Nominated Senator, Parliament) etc.

According to Diani Mwango (Editor of Business Daily), "every year, the process of compiling the list of the Business Daily's Top 40 Under 40 women starts with scrutinizing the nominees. How have they used their position or power to create a lasting and meaningful change in the community? What is so unique about their position be it in the marketing field or technology? Which of the 1,000 nominees have made the greatest strides in using their talent, voice, or resources to pull other women up the ladder? Yes, the job and educational background matter, but it is more than the job and degrees."

Various speakers at the event among them NMG Chief Executive Stephen Gitagama, CMO of Radio Africa Group and Media Personality Caroline Mutoko, Dentsu Kenya Group Head of Media Samantha Kipury, Lancet Kenya's Head of Anatomical Pathologist Dr Jessica Kirimi, Group Executive Director · Equity Bank Limited Mary Wamae, and NMG Head of Marketing Philbert Mdindi challenged the winners to pass on the baton and inspire the next generation of women. The ladies were also reminded to glow and celebrate this moment, this achievement, every single day.

"To generations of Kenyan women to come, who will be inspired purely by seeing you today, reading your story and deciding that indeed, they too can dream and do and become amazing with no apology, because you went before them and made it possible. Today, Kenya walks taller because of you. The lame narrative has been put to shame and now we know what we can become, because we see, " Caroline Mutoko, CMO Radio Africa.

Sponsors of the event included East Africa Breweries Limited's whiskey brand Johnnie Walker, Simba Corp, Dentsu, Lancet Kenya Limited and Techno.

Top 40 Under 40 is a Business Daily annual award aimed at recognizing and feting 40 women under 40 years in corporate leadership, professional services, enterprises and Juakali sector, sports, arts and creatives who have made a great impact in their field and in society.

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