Uganda: Iron Sheets Saga - Museveni Directs Police, State House to Act

13 March 2023

President Museveni has directed the State House Anti-Corruption Unit together with police to kick off investigations into the handling of relief items including iron sheets meant for Karamoja sub-region.

According to police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, the joint investigations have since kicked off.

"We are continuing to pursue a joint led prosecution inquiry into the alleged theft of iron sheets for Karamoja. The president directed for an expeditious inquiry into the allegations and this followed increased complaints from the intended beneficiaries and other concerned citizens," Enanga told journalists on Monday.

The police publicist said owing to the president's directive, the Director of Public Prosecutions directed the Criminal Investigations Division working jointly with State House Anti -Corruption Unit to handle the investigations.

"The task to be handled by a joint team with officers from the DPP, CID and the State House Anti-Corruption Unit," Enanga said.

He explained that the team will expand on the inquiries that have so far been conducted and work with sister agencies like the IGG and parliamentary team that is investigating the same.

"We shall interact with concerned personalities to ensure an expeditious investigation. Now that we have a task force in place, we shall be giving progressive updates to members of the public on the investigations."

The development comes on the backdrop of a revelation by the Inspectorate of Government, Beti Kamya that her office has tasked all the government officials involved to explain their role in the Karamoja iron sheets saga.

"I have already written to all of those people that have been named in the papers, and also whose names were found in distribution stores of the OPM, from the Vice President, the Prime Minister and all the ministers,"Kamya said on Sunday.

"I have already written to them to explain their part, whether they requisitioned, where they took them. That's why we want to know if it falls within the relief programme of your area."

The development also comes at a time when parliament has also kicked off investigations into the saga in which several ministers and other high ranking government officials shared amongst themselves relief items including iron sheets meant for the vulnerable in Karamoja sub region.

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