Malawi: Chakwera Declares State of Disaster in Southern Region As Cyclone Freddy Continues to Wreck Havoc

14 March 2023

Malawi President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has declared some parts of Southern Region as state of disaster following the devastation caused by Tropical Cyclone Freddy.

The declaration is in response to the devastating impact of Cyclone Freddy on several districts in the region.

In a statement issued Monday evening, Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba, said Chakwera had made the declaration under section 32(1) of the Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act (Cap 33:05 of the Laws of Malawi).

The districts declared as state of disaster include Blantyre City and District, Chikwawa District, Chiradzulu District, Mulanje District, Mwanza District, Neno District, Nsanje District, Thyolo District, Phalombe District, and Zomba City and District.

President Chakwera has expressed deep concern over the situation and had called for urgent assistance to be rendered to all affected districts.

"The government has already begun responding to the emergencies and is appealing for local and international support to assist families affected by the disaster," said Zamba.

Meanwhile, the State House has said President Chakwera will arrive back from Qatar tomorrow and is expected to go straight to visit the victims.

The President has been in Doha, Qatar, where he went to attend the Least Developed Countries conference that took place from 5-9 March, 2023.

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