Eritrea: President Isaias Afwerki and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Hold Discussion

President Isaias Afwerki and President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of the Federal Republic of Somalia held extensive discussion at the State House yesterday evening focusing on strengthening bilateral relations and regional issues of interest to the two countries.

At the meeting, the two leaders agreed on the imperative of seeking enduring solutions to Somalia's problems by the people of Somalia themselves without interferences of external forces.

Speaking to Erina, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said that the visit was part of the continuous consultation effort and that he had conducted fruitful discussion with President Isaias Afwerki on the current and future trajectory of warm bilateral ties between the two sisterly countries; recent developments in Somalia and Eritrea's modest and ongoing support to strengthen Somalia, as well as other issues of mutual interest.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud returned home in the morning hours of today, 14 March, concluding a two day fruitful visit to Eritrea.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was seen off at the Asmara International Airport by President Isaias Afwerki.

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