Angola: João Lourenço Defends Ceasefire Between Russia and Ukraine

Luanda — Angolan President João Lourenço said Wednesday that Angola continues to work with its international partners in the quest for an immediate ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine.

Speaking to a Japanese newspaper at the end of his working visit to Japan, the Angolan Head of State said that Angola defends the path of dialogue to reach peace.

Lourenço underscored the need to adopt a solution that does not threaten peace and international security, adding that Angola is in favour of a ceasefire.

"We condemn the war and we are working, together with other international partners, to achieve, quickly, a cease-fire and to start negotiations, in order to reach a lasting peace, not only for Europe, but for the world", Lourenço said.

In his view, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine ultimately affects the entire planet, given that it has created the biggest humanitarian crisis after World War II, and a major food and energy crisis.

The conflict has been going on since February 24, 2022, the date on which Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a "special military operation" in the east of Ukraine.

According to several international organisations, the war has already generated tens of thousands of deaths, millions of refugees and internally displaced persons, bombed cities, as well as the collapse of the Ukrainian economy in more than a year.

According to the Angolan Head of State, the Russia-Ukraine conflict also affects other states, such as Angola, from the point of view of the cost of imported food.

"Angola, although it is a producer of food, imports a good part of it, especially commodities, wheat and other cereals that, when imported, currently come above the price practiced before the beginning of the conflict", the President said.

The statesman spoke of the Angolan diplomacy, which he considered to be very dynamic and useful to build world peace and security.

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