Kenya: Raila Odinga Cancels Monday State House March, to Seek Audience With Ruto

Nairobi — Opposition leader leader Raila Odinga has called off plans to storm State House Nairobi with his supporters on Monday instead saying party officials will seek an audience with President William Ruto.

Odinga had initially suggested protesters would culminate a mega city march at State House prompting the scaling up of security presence on key roads leading to the critical government installation.

Speaking during an interview on Citizen TV on Saturday night, Odinga clarified that not all supporters will storm State House acknowledging that it is a protected area where only authorized persons are allowed in.

"We will hand the petition to the President wherever he will be. If he is at his office, we will take it there. If he is at State House, we will hand it over there," he said.

"We will walk peacefully and only a few of us two or three people will walk into the State House to present the petition," Odinga explianed.

When asked if the Azimio Coalition had settled on representatives to meet Ruto, Odinga said the matter was under discussion and that he would be glad if the party picks him among representatives to present a petition to the Head of State.

The Opposition leader said he will not bow to pressure to call off the demonstrations saying he will only be open for a dialogue after the Monday protest.

"We have no other option. This is the only option that we have to bring home our demands and which we are doing not on our own interest but on behalf of the people of Kenya. I know we are speaking on behalf of the majority of the people of this country," Odinga asserted.

IEBC Selection Panel

Odinga has been leading his supporters in an anti-government protests seeking to pressure President Ruto to freeze the ongoing recruitment of commissioners to the electoral commission.

He insisted at that four commissioners who rejected Ruto's win were unfairly targeted and forced to resign.

The faction led by then Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera colluded with Azimio in an attempt to "moderate" election results to have Odinga declared President, according to evidence presented to a tribunal.

Cherera resigned alongside commissioners Justus Nyang'aya and Francis Wanderi. A tribunal constituted to probe the conduct of the four recommended Commissioner Irene Masit's dismissal.

IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati on the other hand retired alongside commissioners Yakub Guliye and Boya Molu after completing their 6-year terms.

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