Kenya: No Azimio Demos Yet in Opposition Stronghold County of Mombasa

Mombasa — As police engaged the opposition supporters in the streets of Nairobi, Kisumu and Migori counties, Mombasa remained generally peaceful for the better part of Monday morning.

The Azimio Coalition party leader Raila Odinga two weeks ago had declared this Monday, 'A date with destiny', to lead Kenyans to march to State House, Nairobi to reclaim their alleged victory in the August 9, 2022 general election.

Odinga has also faulted President William Ruto for failing in delivering all his election promises, especially in lowering the cost of living.

However, Mombasa County, which voted overwhelmingly for Odinga in the last three general elections; 2013, 2017 and 2022, did not witness any kind of street protests and running battles.

Traders, business and residents went about their daily routine undisturbed.

"No tension in Mombasa, everyone is going about his or her business. We are peaceful people," said one of the Mombasa residents.

A spot check within Mombasa's Central Business District (CBD) showed that all the roads were busy with both human and vehicular traffic.

No police patrols were witnessed in the streets. Only a few traffic cops were seen controlling traffic.

ODM deputy party leader Hassan Joho, who was Mombasa governor for 10 years, has been out of the country since the last August 9 general election, was expected to lead the region in revolting against the Kenya Kwanza government.

Joho, who is currently in the United States, has been missing in action and also did not attend all the People's Baraza rallies that were organized by Odinga countrywide ahead of today's mega demo.

He (Joho) also failed to attend the Likoni and Kilifi rallies by Odinga two weeks ago.

No single ODM leader has come out to speak about the demonstrations, however, there have been reports that some might have travelled to Nairobi for the mega demonstration.

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