Mozambique: EU Provides 1.85 Million Dollars in Emergency Aid

Maputo — The European Union on Monday announced immediate emergency aid to Mozambique of 1.85 million US dollars, in response to devastating floods, the impact of tropical cyclone Freddy, and the current cholera outbreak.

According to an EU press release, "first line response was ensured by European Union Humanitarian Office (ECHO)', which provided partners such as Save the Children and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) with 350,000 dollars aimed at financing shelter, water and sanitation activities and other emergency support.

In addition, continued the release, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) "were authorized to disburse emergency funds for 1.5 million dollars to address, in coordination with the Government, the needs of the population in the affected provinces and to implement measures against the cholera outbreak'.

The EU adds that, counting on its satellite network, it has also "activated the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, to provide the humanitarian response with real-time satellite imagery, essential to assess the flood situation and coordinate rescue and response actions on the ground.'

The release adds that the EU "is committed to continue supporting Mozambique in its fight against the impact of climate change and extreme weather events, as one of the primary objectives of its multiannual bilateral support to the country (428 million EUR, for the period 2021-24)'

The EU says it also "remains a major partner when humanitarian assistance is necessary, with a new allocation of 25 million euros confirmed for the year 2023 to address the needs of the most vulnerable Mozambicans'.

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