Mozambique: Companies Owe Over 62.6 Million Dollars of Contributions to Social Security

Maputo — Over 68,000 companies owe more than four billion meticais of contributions (62.5 million US dollars, at the current exchange rate) to Mozambique's National Social Security Institute (INSS).

The figure was revealed by the general labour inspector, Domingos Sambo, in Mozambique Island District, in the northern province of Nampula, at a seminar organized by the INSS and the General Labour Inspectorate on managing contribution debts.

"The management and the collection of system debts must follow working procedures and methods, especially in drawing up debt certificates, and holding inquiries, as well as in sending cases to the courts', Sambo said, cited in Tuesday's issue of the Maputo daily "Notícias'

"All companies must follow the law by channeling their workers contributions to the social security system', he said, adding that the government has been warning the companies of the dangers involved in non-compliance with their contributions to the INSS.

"The non-compliance affects negatively the workers because they do not contribute to their future, in the event that they become incapable of working', he said. "Furthermore, some companies can lose the opportunity to employ foreigners, as well as to compete in public tenders', he added.

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