Kenya: Raila Claims There Was an Attempt On Life and Kalonzo's

Nairobi — Opposition Leader Raila Odinga now claims that attempts were made to assassinate him and Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka during the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya demonstrations.

Odinga who together with Azimio Luminaries Musyoka, Martha Karua and Eugene Wamalwa were teargassed as they addressed their supporters in Mathare and Eastleigh condemned the police officers for acting under the whims of President William Ruto's administration.

"There was an attempt on the life of both hon Raila and Kalonzo. Our cars were shot at but luckily there were unharmed. We however remained horrified and disgusted by the response by the police," Odinga said.

The ODM Leader stated that they will be pressing individual charges on the police officers who injured and maimed their supporters during the peaceful protest.

He singled out Nairobi Police Chief Adam Bungei for institute orders that led to the mayhem that was witnessed yesterday in Azimio demos where its alleged two people lost their lives.

"The brutality witnessed yesterday doesn't belong to this country. The citizens were demonstrating on provisions of the constitutions as they had given notice. Its impunity at its worst," Odinga said.

"We will press charges against Bungei both locally and internationally. We will make Bungei and his enablers to understand that days when regimes would brutalize citizens with impunity are long gone," he added.

Odinga revealed that a team of experts have been formed to investigate the misuse of police officers during the Azimio demonstrations.

"We have put up a team of legal and security experts to examine the conduct of the police commanders to the officers on the streets that led to the brutality meted out yesterday," said Odinga.

The Former Prime Minister averred that President Ruto is working in earnest to draw back the country to the dark days of the KANU regime through dictatorship orchestrated by police officers.

"We demand the release of our people who were arrested yesterday. In this struggle there's no big or small fighter," he said.

Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition will now hold their resistance protest every Monday and Thursday to agitate the President William Ruto administration to address their demands which include high cost of living among other issues.

Odinga mentioned that the opposition coalition will hold double protest to protect Kenyans from the actions of the brutal Kenya Kwanza Alliance regime.

"In the second phase of our protest and due to public demand, we shall hold the protest every Monday and Thursday beginning next week," said Odinga.

He insisted that that the opposition coalition will not retreat or surrender until the government address their concerns.

On Monday and Thursday, they have threatened to proceed to Statehouse and present a petition to the President demanding the reduction of the high cost of living and electoral reforms.

On electoral reforms, they are pushing for the halt of the reconstitution of IEBC commissioners, opening of the IEBC servers and reinstatement of the Cherera four back to the poll agency.

Odinga faulted President Ruto for victimization of civil servants who were sacked having served in the previous retired President Uhuru Kenyatta's regime.

"We will fight as long as it takes to stop this country from being ruled by cartels, elite and ethnic warlords. We are determined to lead the fight for an inclusive government based on merit," said Odinga.


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