Kenya: You Must Pay for UDA Kisumu Office Damage, UDA Tells ODM

Nairobi — The Orange Democratic Movement party should be held responsible for the destruction of the United Democratic Alliance offices in Kisumu, the UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala has said.

Malala has stated that they have written to the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties to withhold the party's funds until they have paid for the property razed down during the UDA demonstrations.

Yesterday, angry protesters in Kisumu took out their wrath on offices belonging to President William Ruto's party in Milimani Estate. They broke into the offices, vandalized the premises, and carted away any valuables they could find.

"As a party, we will write to the Registrar of political parties to ensure that ODM pays for the UDA offices' destructions. They should know that a political party is not about structures but the people," said Malala.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwa asserted that the Raila Odinga-led party must be held to account saying their funding by the ORPP should be withheld to cater for the damages.

"The office of the Registrar of Political Parties must not hold ODM Party to account for the massive destructions of the UDA offices in Kisumu. The registrar of political parties must withhold funds of ODM to ensure the property damaged is refunded," said Ichungwa.

The UDA secretary general mentioned that they will not be cowed by the move by ODM demonstrators saying next week they will embark on the ongoing registration of the party supporters in Odinga's stronghold.

"Next week on Tuesday we are going to refurbish our party offices and the registration of our supporters will continue," Malala stated.

The Kenya Kwanza Lawmakers termed the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya demonstrations a complete failure citing that in Odinga's political bastions the outcome was underwhelming.

The Ruto allies pointed out that Azimio Coalition doesn't enjoy support from Kenyans countrywide urging the residents from Nyanza regions not to be used as slaves to propagate Odinga's selfish agenda.

"Let nobody lie to you that the only way you can get development is through a handshake with Mr Odinga. We assure you that President Ruto is a fair man and will ensure development is streamlined across the country," Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruyoit said.

"He only uses you to ascend to power but when he gets there there's nothing to show for it. There is nothing to show for it when he entered into a handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta," he added.

Ichungwa opined that Odinga has slowly been losing his political fortunes urging him to allow the President William Ruto administration to deliver to Kenyans.

"There were no demos in Tsiekuru, Gichugu or even Ndaragwa where some Azimio leaders come from.It is quite evident that some regions require to emancipate from the Odinga yoke and slavery of being used as pawns,"he said.

UDA also wants Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Leader Raila Odinga to be held accountable for the chaos and destruction of property witnessed Monday during the mass action protests.

The President William Ruto-led party further called on Inspector General of Police Japhet Koome to ensure accountability measures are engaged on the Azimio leadership.

They are also pushing for the arrest of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta who they claim he is financing the mass protest by the opposition coalition.

"I want to tell the Inspector General to fear nobody,don't just arrest young men.Go for Raila Odinga and retired President Uhuru Kenyatta if the buck stops with them,"said Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wa.

Ichung'wa while commending the police officers for ensuring that Odinga and his bandwagon don't access the CBD.

He condemned Odinga for orchestrating mass looting in the country on the pretense of vouching for lower cost of living.

"Odinga is engaged in urban banditry and economic terrorism. He looted this economy dry through subsidies and we want to tell them those subsidies will not come back," the Majority Leader said.

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