Mozambique: Bank Recommends Inclusion of Climate Risk in Land Use Planning

Maputo — The World Bank has recommended the inclusion of climate risk in land use planning, at a time when Mozambique needs 35 million dollars to build resilience in various sectors threatened by climate change by 2030.

The information was revealed by Franka Braun, senior specialist in natural resource management at the World Bank, at the launch of a report on climate and development in Mozambique.

"Mozambique must adopt measures to face the crisis caused by climate change. We will work with our partners to mobilise support for various countries, including Mozambique, to face the damage caused by climate change', Braun said, cited by the Beira daily "Diário de Moçambique.'

Citing the report, Braun said "the first recommendation prioritizes the inclusion of climate change risks in land use planning. It also recommends the creation of legal structures to coordinate climate actions, as well as a law on climate change to promote institutional responsibility.'

According to the specialist, the study also recommends the creation of conditions to attract private investment focused on importing the clean technologies that the county needs.

"The recommendations indicate that the country needs to build robust infrastructures that can resist climate change', she said, adding that schools and water sources "must be resilient'.

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