Kenya: ICT Chief Administrative Secretary Itumbi Files Application Against Order Blocking Their Appointments

Nairobi — ICT Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Dennis Itumbi has filed an application in court seeking to set aside the High Court orders that barred him and his colleagues from assuming office.

In its ruling, the High Court on March 24, 2023, ruled in favor of the petitioners - the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and Katiba Institute who argued that President William Ruto errored in appointing the 50 CASs.

Among the issue raised by the petitioners is the move by the President to appoint an additional 27 CASs contrary to the Public Service Commission (PSC) that recommended 23.

Justice Hedwig Ong'undi set the mention of the case on Tuesday.

Itumbi however argues in his application that the petitioners are on "a fishing expedition".

"The reliefs sought in the petition are hopelessly futile. Their actions point to a serious conspiracy calculated to capture and subvert the operations of the government in pursuit of a personalized agenda that runs counter to the public interest," Itumbi said through his lawyer Adrian Kamotho Njenga.

He added that there being no law that guides the number of CASs to be appointed, the President was subsequently in order to increase the number.

"The court therefore should not render drastic reliefs as sought on the basis of legally non-binding proposals," he said.

President William Ruto on March 22, 2023, appointed all the 50 CASs after the National Assembly failed to vet them.

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