Kenya: Kisii Women Rep, Donya Pleads With Odinga to Call Off Protests, Embrace Dialogue

Kisii — Kisii Women Representative Dorice Donya Aburi has asked Azimio la Umoja One Kenya leader Raila Odinga to call off demonstrations and embrace dialogue for the safety of the nation.

Donya noted that demonstration are slowing down the economy and suggested that President William Ruto and Odinga should meet to iron out their differences for the sake of the nation.

Speaking at Ititi in Kitutu Chache South where she distributed food and clothes to the residents under Donya Charity Mission, she said that demonstrations will not revive the economy of the Nation and urged members of the public to shun from that and concentrate on the activities that will generate income.

"Protests have resulted in a shutdown of many businesses entities , resulting people counting loses," she said.

According to Donya, the economy is already battered, with companies struggling to turn around flagging sales largely as a result of eroded consumer purchasing power attributed to runaway inflation .

She said that time for politicking is over, the focus should be how to bring development in the country and reduce high cost of living.

According to her, women and children are the most vulnerable with the current ongoing protests and calls security agents for their safety .

She condemned the killing of Maseno university during last week protest .

She cited that, havoc which has been caused by demonstration is so huge the two leaders should look for amicable solution before things things worsen more.

Donya noted that most of the people they earn their daily income from the small business activities which they carry out to enable them feed their families

" Going to the streets it paralyses their income , let's sympathize for the common mwnanchi who lives from hand to mouth," she said.

This is the second week that protest is ongoing ,Raila declared that he will lead two demonstrations every week on Mondays and Thursdays till the government puts into consideration his demands.

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