Kenya: The Most Powerful Women's Summit Held in Nairobi Dubbed 'What Women Want 2023'

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Twenty-eight years after the United Nations' Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action pledged to take the necessary steps to "remove all obstacles to gender equality and the advancement and empowerment of women," support for gender equality is strong around the globe. But more still needs to be done.

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Women and girls represent half of the world's population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality of rights and opportunities between men and women, warns UN Women.

On Friday 24th March 2023, Pinky Ghelani, Public Speaker & International Presenter and UNHCR High-Level Influencer hosted a one of a kind 3-day summit dubbed "What Women Want 2023" at The Trademark Hotel, Village Market, which saw over 82 speakers and close to 1000 women in attendance.

The successful event, kicked off with a breakfast networking session and panel that was an absolutely empowering and insightful session.

The What Women Want Summit is an annual summit that brings together a host of talented speakers all under one roof to talk about how women can be empowered, inspired and how they can heal themselves in order to show up whole for their families, for work but most importantly for themselves. From topics that cover making money to menopause and motherhood to workshops that surround the boy child and how to support your partners mental health.

Speaker Caroline Mutoko, the CMO of Radio Africa Group encouraged women to support one another. "This is What Women Want - To support and to be supported. To celebrate and be celebrated and to be respected no matter what our path may be. And finally to hear other women in their authentic voices and to be heard - no matter what our story is. When women support each other, amazing things can happen. We can learn from each other, grow together, and achieve our goals. It's important to remember that supporting other women doesn't take away from our own success, but rather enhances it. We can all rise together."

The "What Women Want 2023" was also a 3-day celebration of women who made history in Kenya, with pictures spread all across the venue courtesy of Camerapix.

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