Kenya: Kisumu Residents Say They Will Defy Nyongo's Suspension of Azimio Demos

Kisumu — Kisumu residents plan to defy Governor Anyang Nyong'o's call to suspend Azimio demonstrations in the lakeside city on Thursday going forward.

The residents' accused Nyong'o of upsurging the functions of the Coalition to arbitrarily suspend demonstrations that are aimed to address cost of living.

Kennedy Ochieng, a resident said Thursday remains picketing day and no way, the residents will take word from Nyong'o when the party has structures to communicate its activities.

"Demonstrations were called by Raila Odinga, and he was categorical that it is countrywide, why again is Nyong'o calling it off in Kisumu?" he asked.

Ochieng says the call by Nyong'o should be ignored until and unless Raila who called for the ongoing demonstrations calls it off.

He says as a former university student's leader in the Nyanza region he will ensure that a peaceful demonstration is carried out as planned to push the government to address the ills affecting the country.

He was joined by Joseph Mbaka, a university student, who dismissed the suspension, terming Nyong'o an outsider in matters pertaining to Azimio.

"Governor Nyong'o has no jurisdiction to call off demonstrations and as such we will defy him and picket," said Mbaka.

Mbaka noted that they will not be going to the streets for the sake of it but to pressurize the government to listen to the sufferings of the people.

"Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) has not released funds for our students, the cost of living again is skyrocketing, these are the things which will take us to the streets to ask for quick fixes," he added.

A resident of Obunga, George Okana says they will be waiting for word from Raila to affirm what Governor Nyong'o has announced or else they will be on the streets.

Okana says there is no way demonstration is being called off in Kisumu while it will be staged in Nairobi.

"These are peaceful demonstrations, let Nyong'o deal with hooligans in his county instead of directing us to go to Nairobi," he said.

Nyong'o on Wednesday sent a circular suspending any form of demonstration in Kisumu

He says he took the move after consultation with the Azimio Coalition.

Nyong'o has been at pains whenever property is destroyed during demonstrations and on Monday led the demonstration outside the city against the wishes of the demonstrators.

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