Mozambique: Gaza to Vaccinate Over 500,000 Cattle Against Anthrax

Maputo — The agricultural authorities in the southern Mozambican province of Gaza intend to vaccinate, between April and July, over 500,000 head of cattle against anthrax.

In order to achieve the goal, according to Sérgio Maneno, head of the livestock department at the Gaza provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries, the sector foresees an investment of about 1.5 million meticais (23,500 dollars at the current exchange rate).

"The amount will be used to acquire fridges and fuel to keep the vaccines, payment of technicians, as well as other expenditure', Maneno said, adding that "the team is read to carry out the work and we hope that, by 13 April, the campaign may start in all districts.'

At the moment, he said, the authorities have already made available 543.852 doses of vaccine, corresponding to the same number of cattle to be covered by the campaign.

"We have enough vaccines to start the vaccination', Maneno said, cited in Thursday's issue of the Beira daily "Diário de Moçambique', calling on livestock farmers to take their cattle to the vaccination posts in order to contribute positively to public health.

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