Kenya: Waiguru, Mbarire, Malala Urge President Ruto to Reject Blackmail By Odinga

Kerugoya — United Democratic Alliance (UDA) leaders have asked President William Ruto to reject any attempt by Azimio leaders to get into government through backdoor.

Led by Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire, and UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala, the leaders said the government will not be blackmailed into talks with opposition leader Raila Odinga.

They claimed that Odinga had devised a "clever way of getting into governments even after being defeated in polls through street protests and blackmail" saying this trick will not work this time.

They further lashed out at Narc -Kenya leader Martha Karua for supporting the Azimio demonstrations in the country saying she had lost direction and was not cautious about the safety of Kenyans and their properties.

Waiguru who is also the Council of Governors (COG) Chairperson, said Martha did not help Azimio secure votes Irvin in her home village in Kirinyaga.

The governor said there will be no Azimio demonstrations in Kirinyaga

because people are busy with development issues and are fully behind President Ruto efforts to restore the economy.

The leaders spoke during Kirinyaga UDA Party's delegates meeting at Sagana. The delegates meetings are being held across the country in readiness for grassroot elections scheduled for August.

Governor Cecily Mbarire who is also the UDA Party National Chairperson said that the Azimio demonstrations were no longer peaceful and urged President Ruto to stay put and protect Kenyans and their businesses in accordance with the constitution.

She said Mt. Kenya region was solidly behind Kenya Kwanza government and will not be swayed by Karua to support Azimio demonstrations.

UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala asked the opposition leader to retire from politics, adding that Kenyans were tired of his "retrogressive leadership."

Malala said he had written to Registrar of political parties seeking to stop further disbursement of political parties funds to ODM until it repairs UDA party offices which have been torched by its supporters during the demonstrations.

He said that Raila and his Party must take full responsibility of the torching of UDA's Kisumu and Siaya county offices during the demonstrations.

Malala said that President Ruto won the last general elections free and fair, and asked Raila to respect the will of the people.

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